Judy Biggert Congresswoman - 13th District of Illinois

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2/4/2008 12:00:00 AM
U.S. Rep. Judy Biggert (R-IL-13th) Weekly E-Newsletter: February 4, 2008

U.S. Rep. Judy Biggert (R-IL-13th) Weekly E-Newsletter
February 4, 2008

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In this Week's E-Newsletter:

- This Week in Congress
- Week in Review
- Featured Story
- From the Press Desk
- In Her Own Words
- In the News


This Week in Congress:

Congress meets this week for legislative business, including possible consideration of:

H.R. 4137 - The College Opportunity and Affordability Act


Week in Review:

Monday, January 28, 2008 through Friday, February 1, 2008

Congress met last week for legislative business, including consideration of:

H.R. 5104 - To extend the Protect America Act of 2007.  The bill extends for fifteen days a current law that allows American agents to quickly intercept and act upon electronic communications between foreign terrorists.  Passed the House by voice vote.

H.R. 5140 – The Recovery Rebates and Economic Stimulus for the American People Act of 2008.  The bill is designed to stimulate the American economy by providing a tax rebate to 117 million American families. The package also will give businesses an incentive to invest and create jobs.   Passed the House by a vote of 385 to 35.  Rep. Biggert voted yes.


Featured Story – Restoring Science Funding:

Judy during a visit to the Center for Nanoscale Materials at Argonne National Lab

Judy during a visit to the Center for Nanoscale Materials at Argonne National Lab

           Batavia, IL – Over the last few weeks, Judy has been meeting with Administration and Congressional leaders to advocate on behalf of Argonne and Fermi National Laboratories.  Most recently, she sent a letter to the President urging him to include $300 million for the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Science in his upcoming fiscal year 2008 (FY08) emergency supplemental appropriations request.  Cosigned by several of her colleagues on the House Science and Technology Committee, the letter calls for the reversal of drastic cuts made by Congress to High Energy Physics and other scientific programs in the recent FY08 omnibus spending package.

           “These cuts have disrupted critical research being conducted at places like Fermi and Argonne National Laboratories, and they threaten America’s technological edge,” said Biggert, Co-Chair of the House Research and Development Caucus.  “Closing key facilities and dismissing hundreds of the nation’s top researchers is not the way to keep America competitive in the global market.  The President reiterated his support for the sciences in his State of the Union address, so let’s start by getting funding for our premier laboratories back on track.”

                      To read Rep. Biggert’s letter to the President, click here.


From the Press Desk:
Monday, January 28, 2008

Reaction of U.S. Representative Judy Biggert (R-IL-13th)
To the President’s State of the Union Address

           Washington, DC – U.S. Representative Judy Biggert (R-IL-13) today issued the following statement regarding the President’s State of the Union Address:

“Tonight, the President made it clear that while the country may be focused on choosing the next president, he still intends to be an active and engaged commander-in-chief for another twelve months.  That's good, for that's his job.

“It’s difficult for any lame-duck president, but he laid out for the coming year an ambitious agenda, both foreign and domestic.  And he called on Congress to show that we can work together to achieve results for the American people.  Polls continue to show that Americans are dissatisfied with Congress, for good reason.

                      To read more, click here.


In Her Own Words:
Tuesday, January 29, 2007

Floor Statement of U.S. Representative Judy Biggert (R-IL)
On H.R. 5140, the Recovery Rebates and Economic Stimulus for the American People Act of 2008

Mr. Speaker, I rise in support this important bill and urge its swift passage.

I’m pleased that House leaders – both Republican and Democrat – and the Administration have been able to come together quickly on a clean, targeted economic-stimulus package. 

The bill promises to relieve the financial strain on hard-working Americans while providing a much-needed boost to the economy and housing market.

Today, I want to highlight a few provisions in the bill produced by the Financial Services Committee, of which I am a senior member.  These provisions increase the conforming loan limits for both the Federal Housing Administration and the GSEs Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. 

What will this do?  It will keep property values from falling further by temporarily permitting Fannie, Freddie, and the FHA to help homeowners and buyers finance and refinance mortgages in high-cost areas like Chicago.  In short, it will help save the neighborhood.

These are important first steps, but, as the President indicated last night, there are additional steps that require our full attention in the days to come if we are to reinvigorate the economy.

We need prevent a return of the marriage penalty, death tax and Alternative Minimum Tax, along with higher taxes on income, dividends, and capital gains.  We also need to send comprehensive FHA and GSE reform to the President.

During last two Congresses, our Committee and the full House have passed bills to modernize the FHA and reform Fannie and Freddie, but these efforts have yet to become law.  The latest FHA proposal was even rumored to be part of the stimulus package, but its not.  And that is why I urge on my colleagues in the House and Senate to conference these two bills, and get a final product to the President immediately.

A modernized FHA program will provide insurance so that more struggling American homeowners can refinance their existing mortgages and keep their homes.  It will give first-time homebuyers a viable alternative to bad, subprime loans.  And by providing Fannie and Freddie with a world-class regulator, we can infuse the housing market with liquidity so that more financing is available for prospective homeowners.

In addition, we need to supply more funding for housing counseling.  Counselors can help guide homeowners into a loan that best meets their budget and needs – steering them away from a situation that could lead to foreclosure down the road.

Mr. Speaker, it is critical to the housing market and our economy that we finalize GSE and FHA reform and increase housing counseling.  Adding liquidity and consumer confidence to the flagging housing market can restore vigorous growth to our economy, and we must do it without delay.
And in the near-term, I urge my colleague to support this economic stimulus package as a critical first step.  Thank you.  I yield back the balance of my time.


In the News:
Friday, February 1, 2008

By Andrew Stern

Funding Shortfalls Threaten Science Research

CHICAGO - Scientists are chafing at the U.S. government's unfulfilled pledge to boost funding for basic scientific research, the source of innovations ranging from the World Wide Web to high-tech cancer treatments.
The estimated $500 million sliced out of the fiscal 2008 federal budget for research projects seeking answers to fundamental questions such as the nature of the universe could trigger a brain drain, scientists and others warn.
"Scientists are not going to wait around to be brought back. There will definitely be a brain drain," said Republican U.S. Rep. Judy Biggert of Illinois, a key player in securing funding for Argonne National Laboratory outside Chicago.
"It was very troublesome to me, because we have had such a focus on basic research and how important it is to American competitiveness and our long-term economic growth," Biggert said. "We're worried about the 2009 budget now."

                      To read more, click here.


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