Judy Biggert Congresswoman - 13th District of Illinois

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  NEWS ROOM                  
8/5/2008 12:00:00 AM Zachary Cikanek
(202) 225-3515
Biggert, Illinois Members Hold Hearing on CN-EJ&E; Deal

           Chicago, IL – U.S. Representative Judy Biggert (R-IL-13th) today joined a bipartisan group of Illinois lawmakers at a field hearing to explore the transportation, economic, and community impacts of Canadian National’s (CN) proposed purchase of the Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Railway (EJ&E;) line.  Held in Chicago’s Dirksen Courthouse, the hearing featured witnesses from Metra, the Illinois Department of Transportation, the Illinois Commerce Commission, the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, the Northern Indiana Regional Planning Commission, and several mayors of communities affected by the transaction.  Notably absent from the hearing were representatives of CN, who declined an invitation to present their views.
           “The draft impact study that the Surface Transportation Board released last month makes it abundantly clear that this merger would carry severe consequences for local communities,” said Biggert.  “Our task now is to find any impacts that STB officials overlooked, underestimated or miscalculated and inform them about the true cost of this transaction before a final decision is made.”
           On July 25th, the Surface Transportation Board (STB) released a draft environmental impact statement (EIS), which – upon being finalized after a period of public comment -- will determine whether CN is permitted to acquire the EJ&E; line and what mitigation steps CN would be required to take should the merger go forward.  Under CN’s current plan, suburban communities like Plainfield, Aurora, Naperville, Crest Hill, Lockport, and Warrenville would see up to a three-fold increase in freight traffic, raising concerns about safety, noise, pollution, and congestion. 
           “The STB’s study shows that 11 emergency response providers would be dramatically affected,” said Biggert.  “And what do they propose as a solution?  Moving the firehouses to accommodate CN.  Even worse, CN and the STB expect that taxpayers will have to foot the bill for 90 to 95 percent of grade separations and other mitigation costs.  That’s unacceptable.”
           During the field hearing, Reps. Biggert, Melissa Bean (D-IL-08), Bill Foster (D-IL-14), and Don Manzullo (R-IL-16) accepted testimony from area transportation experts about how expected total automobile wait times of up to 165 hours per day at a given crossing could affect safety and economic development.  Also discussed were the likely effects of mitigation efforts suggested in the STB’s report.
           “Suburban residents deserve to have a voice in this deal,” said Biggert.  “Their quality of life shouldn’t be sacrificed just to line CN’s pocket.  We will continue to work with all parties involved -- and explore all available options – to ensure that our concerns are addressed.”
           Information collected at the hearing will be presented to the STB for review.  Comments and concerns submitted to the STB before the September 30th deadline will be taken into consideration before a final ruling is made.  Those wishing to comment or review the draft EIS can do so at http://www.stbfinancedocket35087.com or by calling 1-800-347-0689.


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