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11/7/2008 Presidential Inauguration Ticket Requests
10/3/2008 Congressman Paul Hodes Continues to Oppose Wall Street Bailout Plan
10/2/2008 Congressman Paul Hodes Announces HOPE for Homeowners
9/30/2008 Contacting Congressman Hodes by Email
9/29/2008 Congressman Paul Hodes Opposes $700 Billion Wall Street Bailout
9/25/2008 Congressman Hodes Praises Senate Passage of Michelle’s Law
9/24/2008 Congressman Hodes Votes for Tax Relief for Disaster Victims
9/24/2008 Congressman Hodes’ Opening Statement Before the Financial Services Committee on Paulson and Bernanke’s Rescue Plan
9/19/2008 Statement from Congressman Paul Hodes on the Growing Financial Crisis
9/17/2008 Congressman Paul Hodes Votes to Protect Second Amendment Rights
9/16/2008 Congressman Paul Hodes Statement on the Severance Packages for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Executives
9/16/2008 Congressman Paul Hodes Supports Comprehensive Energy Proposal
9/15/2008 Congressman Paul Hodes Statement on the News of the Lehman Brothers Bankruptcy, Merrill Lynch Acquisition
9/11/2008 Congressman Paul Hodes Writes to President Bush Urging Release of LIHEAP Funding
9/11/2008 Congressman Paul Hodes Statement on the Seventh Anniversary of the 9-11 Attacks
9/11/2008 Congressman Paul Hodes Statement on Passage of Funding for Highway Trust Fund
9/10/2008 Congressman Paul Hodes Statement on the Manchester VA Hospital Legislation
9/10/2008 Congressman Hodes Praises Economic Aid for North Country Council
9/9/2008 Congressman Paul Hodes Statement on 1800 Jobs, Critical Fund for New Hampshire Roads
9/8/2008 Congressman Hodes’ Statement on the Decision of the US Treasury Department to Take Over Mortgage Giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
9/3/2008 Congressman Paul Hodes Introduces Legislation to Aid School Districts with Transportation, Heating Costs
8/27/2008 Congressman Paul Hodes Responds to FEMA Denial of Individual Assistance for Tornado Victims
8/21/2008 Congressman Hodes Urges Secretary Rice to Investigate Iraqi Reconstruction Efforts
8/20/2008 Congressman Hodes Praises Decision to Include Merrimack and Strafford in Disaster Declaration
8/12/2008 Congressman Paul Hodes Sends Letter to FEMA Administrator Seeking Expansion of Disaster Aid
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