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November 10, 2006
Stacey Farnen Bernards
(202) 225 - 3130

Hoyer: We Owe Our Veterans a Debt of Gratitude

“Today we pause to recognize our veterans, and also to recognize a simple truth: our brave servicemen and servicewomen, from those who fought in the battles of our nascent nation two centuries ago to those who bravely serve today in the ongoing conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, have made America possible. Their willingness to lay their lives on the line in pursuit of a safer today and more secure tomorrow represents the very best of the United States, and we honor their courage, their strength, and their sacrifice.

 “We must uphold our pledge to the 24 million veterans in America in both word and deed. Our veterans deserve the very finest health care and benefits available, and Democrats remain committed to fulfilling this promise – a promise encompassed in our GI Bill of Rights for the 21st Century. This comprehensive GI Bill of Rights improves the health care provided to our current veterans and to those who will be returning home from overseas in the future.  Our veterans have done so much for us; we owe them nothing less.”
