United States Code Classification TablesOffice of the Law Revision Counsel |
These tables show where recently enacted laws will appear in the United States Code and which sections of the Code have been amended by those laws. The tables sorted in Public Law order may be used to identify the sections of the Code affected by a particular law. The tables sorted in Code order may be used to determine whether a particular section of the Code has recently been amended. The tables only include those provisions of law that have been classified to the Code. The text of recently enacted laws may be found through the Library of Congress Thomas web site.
Sorted in Public Law order
Sorted in U.S. Code order
Sorted in Public Law order
Sorted in U.S. Code order
Sorted in Public Law order
Sorted in U.S. Code order
* Public Law 109-173 was enacted by the 109th Congress, 1st Session.
For editorial changes in Code classifications of earlier laws made in the process of classifying laws enacted during the 109th Congress, 2nd Session, and the 110th Congress, see the Editorial Classification Change Table.