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by Stacey Farnen Bernards

June 27, 2008

Leader's Report
majorityleader.house.gov · (202) 225-3130

Over the first six months of this year, House Democrats have worked to address the issues facing our nation.  As the economy weakens under the Bush Administration's failed policies, we have provided recovery rebate checks to millions of families, extended unemployment benefts to 3.8 million Americans who have lost jobs through no fault of their own, and passed a supplemental appropriations bill that will address critical domestic needs, including disaster assistance for Midwest flooding. 
Hoyer speaks at a press conference preceding House
passage of the ADA Amendments Act. 

Democrats are also working to provide relief from record gas prices and make our nation more energy independent.  This past week, the House approved two energy bills that will reduce fares for mass transit and direct the Commodity Futures Trading Commission to investigate oil speculation that could be driving up prices.  This action builds on previous efforts by Democrats this year, including suspending oil shipments to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, holding OPEC accountable for price fixing, and extending tax credits to encourage investment in renewable energy.

This past week, the House passed the ADA Amendments Act, which reiterates the intent of the original Americans with Disabilities Act to allow disabled Americans to pursue active, productive lives.  The House also passed fiscally responsible relief from the alternative minimum tax, which could hit 25 million families this year; and legislation preventing a payment cut for physicians in the Medicare program, which could result in seniors losing access to their doctors. 
In July, we will continue to move our positive agenda forward by completing work on legislation addressing the housing crisis, as well as taking up appropriations bills that invest in America's priorities.
Sincerely yours,
Steny H. Hoyer

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Hoyer: Energy Bills Seek to Provide Relief at the Pump, Wean Nation Off Foreign Oil
Yesterday, Hoyer spoke in support of the energy bills on the House Floor, noting that these bills are a clear recognition that America's energy policy cannot be one-dimensional.
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Majority Leader Hoyer: ADA Amendments Act Will Open Doors of Equality For All
On Wednesday, Hoyer spoke on the House Floor in support of the ADA Amendments Act, nearly 18 years after the original Americans with Disabilities Act was signed.  The new law will clarify the intent of the original law, so that no American can be prevented from leading a full, active life.
Read release
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Hoyer Statement on Bipartisan Vote for “Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act”
Hoyer praised House passage of legislation that will prevent a cut in payments to physicians in the Medicare program, and urged the Senate to pass it as well.  The Senate is now scheduled to vote on the bill following the July 4th District Work Period.
Read release
Hoyer to Senate Republicans: Stop Blocking Help for Doctors and Seniors

Majority Leader Hoyer Statement on AMT
After the House passed legislation providing relief from the alternative minimum tax to 25 million families, Hoyer lauded the bill for being fiscally responsible and not adding further to our nation's expanding deficits and debt.
Read release 
