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» Democrats Riled by GOP's Efforts To Cut Deals on Air Privatization, October 18, 2003
Nearly three months after House and Senate conferees hurriedly agreed to a four-year, $59.2 billion reauthorization of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the legislation is still mired in a largely partisan dispute over privatization of airport control towers.
» House votes for Syria sanctions, October 16, 2003
The House voted yesterday to impose sanctions on Syria that would prohibit it from buying dual-use technology and that could restrict diplomatic and economic ties until the nation ends its weapons programs and ties to terrorism.
» House committee approves $87 billion for Iraq, Afghanistan, October 09, 2003
A House committee handed a victory to President Bush on Thursday by approving nearly $87 billion for Iraq and Afghanistan and fending off lawmakers who wanted Iraq to eventually repay some of the aid.
» Hoyer Decries Drug Bills' Deficiencies, October 09, 2003
Rep. Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.) strode into the Richard R. Clark Senior Center in La Plata on Monday and told a room full of seniors that if they were hoping for a good prescription drug law from Congress, they were pretty much out of luck.
» Hoyer Looks To Omnibus For Election Reform Funds, October 08, 2003
House Minority Whip Hoyer said Tuesday election reform advocates are more likely to get additional funding in an FY04 omnibus spending bill than in the Iraq supplemental bill.
» Election Law Backers Hope Recall Opens Funding Window, October 06, 2003
With California's gubernatorial recall putting punch-card ballots and potential "hanging chads" back in the spotlight, the sponsors of last year's election overhaul law (PL 107-252) are trying to tack $1.86 billion for the initiative onto the Iraq spending bill the House begins work on this week.
» Employment - Dems Celebrate Rare Floor Victory In Vote On Overtime Rules, October 03, 2003
Republicans lost a rare floor battle Thursday, as the House voted 221-203 on a Democratic motion to instruct conferees working on the FY04 Labor-HHS spending bill to adopt Senate language that effectively would block a controversial administration proposal that critics say would cost millions of workers the right to overtime pay.
» Democrats call for independent probe of CIA leak, October 01, 2003
WASHINGTON - Reports that the White House leaked the name of a CIA operative -- the wife of an administration critic -- have sparked an intense, if predictable, furor on Capitol Hill: Democrats are demanding an independent investigation, while leading Republicans say the matter, though serious, is being overblown.
» Democrats want a special investigation; GOP sees partisan politics, September 30, 2003
Congressional Democrats plan to continue pressing the White House for an independent investigation into how an undercover CIA officer's identity was revealed, and will hold closed-door talks with the officer's husband to further their efforts.
» Poverty rate climbs, median income drops, September 27, 2003
ASHINGTON -- Poverty increased and household income dropped for the second year in a row last year, the Census Bureau reported yesterday, prompting leading Democrats to blast the Bush administration for its handling of the economy.
» Area Seeks Cleanup Funds, September 21, 2003
fficials could not put a dollar figure on the damage caused by Hurricane Isabel last week, but one thing was clear.
» Full Funding Now, September 18, 2003
House Administration Chairman Bob Ney (R-Ohio) and House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) renewed their call for full funding of election reform this week.
» Archive Rotunda Reopens, September 17, 2003
n the two years since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, a period marked by arguably the largest resurgence of outward feelings and displays of American patriotism since the early days of World War II, the Charters of Freedom — which include the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights — have not been available for public viewing.
» California Recall Ruling Shines Fresh Spotlight on Election Overhaul Funding, September 15, 2003
While a federal court decision to delay California's gubernatorial recall election was hailed by congressional Democrats and assailed by Republicans on Monday, some in Washington hoped the decision would provide the impetus for full funding and quicker implementation of last year's election overhaul law.
» Clash Over Postwar Iraq Rises in Congress, September 15, 2003
WASHINGTON - House Majority Leader Tom DeLay "is in no position to question the patriotism" of President Bush's critics on Iraq, having once scathingly condemned President Clinton's military strategy in Bosnia, a Democratic leader said Thursday.
» Top Democrats say Bush policy will weaken HIV prevention programs, September 14, 2003
A new Bush administration policy that imposes a new layer of state or local review on federally funded HIV prevention programs has drawn a stern rebuke from top congressional Democrats.
» Democrats assail Iraq spending plan, September 10, 2003
WASHINGTON -- President Bush's $87 billion request to stabilize and rebuild Iraq and Afghanistan appears headed for approval in Congress, but at the same time it is giving new impetus to Democratic efforts to scale back his tax cuts and reap political gains from the administration's large budget deficits...
» House Passes 4.1% Raise For Federal Employees, September 10, 2003
The House yesterday approved a 4.1 percent pay raise for federal civilian employees and killed new rules designed to speed Bush administration efforts to require federal workers to compete with the private sector for their jobs...
» Bush Likely to Get Money He Sought, Lawmakers Agree, September 09, 2003
WASHINGTON, Sept. 8 — Members of Congress said today that President Bush would get the $87 billion he requested for Iraq and Afghanistan, but that he would have to walk through a bit of fire first. Lawmakers said they expected sharp questioning of the request and a renewed debate about the effect on federal spending, taxes and the record-setting deficit...
» Democrats Shifting Homeland Strategy, September 09, 2003
On the eve of the Sept. 11 anniversary, House Democrats have adopted a new strategy that will step up criticism of President Bush’s efforts to improve homeland security against future terrorist attacks...
» Ney, Hoyer Discuss How To Get Funding For Election Reform, September 09, 2003
Fourteen months out from the 2004 election, House Administration Chairman Ney and Minority Whip Hoyer are discussing how to secure the full $3.9 billion authorized over three years for election reform under the Help America Vote Act.
» Caucus Resists ‘Permanent Minority’ Mind-Set, September 08, 2003
While House Democrats acknowledge that their Caucus is unlikely to reverse its eight-year minority status in the immediate term, they are not resigning themselves to becoming a permanent second-tier party...
» Outreach to Lobbyists: Like the GOP Before, Democrats Turn to K Street, September 08, 2003
In the decade since Republicans took control of Congress, GOP partisans have relentlessly worked to transform members of Washington’s business community into powerful advocates for the party’s priorities on Capitol Hill...
» Union Fight Puts Airport Bill At Risk In US Congress, September 08, 2003
WASHINGTON -(Dow Jones)- Opposition to privatizing air traffic control towers paired with a Congressional turf battle has left a bill reauthorizing the Federal Aviation Administration in trouble in the U.S. House of Representatives...
» Bush Says Economy Is 'Looking Up', September 05, 2003
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Sept. 4 -- President Bush, hailing signs of recovery in the American heartland, said today that the U.S. economy is "looking up" and renewed his call for further tax cuts that would cost about $1.1 trillion over 10 years...


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