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by Stacey Farnen Bernards

April 25, 2008

Leader's Report
majorityleader.house.gov · (202) 225-3130

This week, the House passed three bills that continue Democratic efforts to increase government accountability by holding federal contractors accountable and cracking down on waste, fraud, and abuse.  We also passed a significant bill that will delay the implementation of Medicaid regulations proposed by the Bush Administration that would have a damaging impact on access to health care for millions.  As we face a slowing economy and more people are uninsured, we cannot allow the most vulnerable Americans to slip through the cracks and lose the health care they need.
Also this week, the House passed legislation that strengthens the Coast Guard as it plays an intregral role in keeping our nation safe by protecting our ports and waterways.  Continuing our support for small businesses, we also passed legislation expanding programs that will increase their ability to engage in innovative research.

Next week, the House will take up the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, an important civil rights bill that will prohibit employers from using the results of genetic screening tests when making hiring or promotion decisions.  We will also take up legislation that will protect workers from the harmful conditions that caused a deadly explosion at a sugar plant in Georgia in February.

As we face a weakening economy, rebate recovery checks will start being sent out on Monday.  These checks are the result of the bipartisan economic stimulus package Congress passed earlier this year, and I am hopeful it will provide needed assistance to families and strengthen the economy.  Additionally, Democrats are continuing to craft legislation that will help the millions of Americans affected by dropping home prices and record foreclosures, which I expect to bring to the House Floor soon.
Sincerely yours,
Steny H. Hoyer

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Majority Leader Hoyer’s Statement on Bipartisan Bill on Administration-Imposed Medicaid Regulations
Hoyer called it outrageous for the Bush Administration to try and impose changes to Medicaid regulations that could affect the ability of millions to access the health care they need, particularly at a time when the economy is slowing down.
Read release

Hoyer Statement on Resolution Recognizing 60th Anniversary of Founding of Israel
The House passed a resolution recognizing the 60th anniversary of the founding of Israel this week.  Hoyer called the nation our steadfast friend and ally, and recognized the special bond between our countries as a result of our mutual commitment to freedom and democracy.
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Majority Leader Hoyer Statement on Earth Day
Recognizing Earth Day, Hoyer noted that Congress passed historic energy legislation last year that encourages the development of biofuels, increases fuel efficiency, and will reduce CO2 emissions over the coming years.  He acknowledged that more needs to be done, and reaffirmed Democrats' commitment to addressing global warming and promoting clean energy.
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