by Stacey Farnen Bernards

September 12, 2008

Leader's Report · (202) 225-3130

On Thursday, the Nation paused to recognize the seventh anniversary of September 11. On that somber day in our history, nearly 3,000 men, women, and children were murdered on American soil – at the World Trade Center in New York, the Pentagon in Virginia, and on United Flight 93 in Pennsylvania.  In commemoration, I joined 9/11 families, Pentagon workers, elected officials and military dignitaries in designating the new memorial at the site of the plane crash at the Pentagon. Congress also paid its special respects with a ceremony outside the Capitol building and a resolution I offered recognizing September 11 as a day of remembrance and resolve.
Over the past week, Democrats have developed comprehensive energy legislation that will increase responsible drilling and invest in renewable energy.  I hope that Republicans choose to put politics aside and decide to join Democrats in siding with American taxpayers and consumers struggling with high energy prices, rather than with big oil companies raking in record profits.  I expect to bring this bill to the House Floor for a vote next week.
Also next week, the House will vote to send the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Amendments Act to the President’s desk. This bill will restore protections for citizens with disabilities that have been eroded by a series of court decisions, and will ensure that no American will be denied the right to lead a full, active life.
Sincerely yours,
Steny H. Hoyer

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Hoyer: Republicans Should Put Good Energy Policy Over Politics
Before the House takes up a comprehensive energy bill next week, Hoyer encouraged Republicans to join Democrats and support a real solution that will lower gas prices and increase energy independence instead of siding with the interests of big oil companies.
Hoyer Statement on Senate’s Passage of ADA Amendments Act
Hoyer praised Senate passage of the ADA Amendments Act, and pledged that the House will bring this civil rights legislation to the Floor for a vote next week before sending it to the President for his signature.
Read release
Hoyer Delivers Statement at 9/11 Congressional Remembrance Ceremony
On Thursday, Hoyer joined colleagues from the House and Senate on the steps of the Capitol to remember those lost seven years ago on 9/11.
Read release

Hoyer Statement on Republican Failures
Hoyer spoke on the House Floor on Monday about the record of failure Republicans have built over the past eight years in every area, including the economy and national security.
Read release
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Read more about the Republican Record of Failure
