Driving Directions

Get driving directions

Use Google Maps to:
Get step-by-step driving directions
Plan a trip with multiple stops
Check live traffic conditions (select cities)
Drag 'n drop points to customize your route


Start address:

End address:

Use Google Maps to:
Get step-by-step transit directions
Find transit stops in your area
View station information and schedules

See cities with transit information on Google Maps

Street View

Go to Google Maps

Use Street View to:
View street level photographs
Take virtual walks; pan, rotate and zoom through cities around the world
Find shops, restaurants, parks, hotels and more

Add a Place


Enter a location to search for it in Google Maps.
If it's not there, you can add it.

Use Google Maps to:
Add businesses, landmarks, and points of interest

More information
  Read our FAQ and Info for business owners
  or check out Recent Edits to Google Maps

Google Maps on Android

Learn more

Learn more about Google Maps on Android

Use Google Maps to:
Get step-by-step driving directions
Find businesses near a location or zip code
Check live traffic conditions (select cities)
Take virtual walks and rotate to see 360°

Edit Locations


Enter a location to edit it in Google Maps

Use Google Maps to:
Edit the location of your house, business and other places
Update phone numbers, websites, and more for your favorite businesses and landmarks

More information
  Read our FAQ and Info for business owners
  or check out Recent Edits to Google Maps

Explore a Place


Explore the world using interactive maps

Use Google Maps to:
View local photos and YouTube videos
Discover popular searches and places of interest
Browse user-created maps or design your own

Create a Map

Create personalized maps

Create your own map or view our featured maps

Use Google Maps to:
Mark your favorite places on your map
Draw lines and shapes to highlight paths and areas
Add your own text, photos, and videos
Share your map with friends and family

Add Content

Add content

Add interactive maps and tools created by others

Use Google Maps to:
Overlay information such as weather & photos
Select from a variety of interactive maps and tools
Save information to your own map

Find Businesses

Find businesses

Search by business name or category

Use Google Maps to:
Find businesses near a location or zip code
Get addresses, phone numbers, and directions
Read Reviews and write your own
Add your business to the map

Getting Started

Go to Google Maps

Explore the world using interactive maps

Use Google Maps to:
Search for locations and addresses
Find businesses in your area
Get directions and check live traffic
Create and view personalized maps


Create your profile

Easily customize and share your page

Use Google Maps to:
Highlight your interests and favorite places
Read reviews and write your own
Access all of your maps and reviews
Share your profile with friends and family

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