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January 24, 2008
Stacey Farnen Bernards
(202) 225 - 3130

Hoyer Praises Bipartian Stimulus Package

WASHINGTON, DC – House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement after the announcement that House Democrats and Republicans and the Bush Administration reached agreement on an economic stimulus package:
“This bipartisan economic stimulus package will provide an important shot in the arm to our struggling economy by putting money in the hands of hard-working Americans who will spend it quickly and help stimulate the economy.
“I am pleased that this stimulus package adhered to the principles that Democrats have stressed for weeks – that an economic stimulus be timely, targeted and temporary.  It is critical that we not enact a stimulus plan that further erodes our nation’s long-term fiscal condition.
“Democrats are particularly pleased that, under this package, 35 million working families who would not otherwise have been helped will receive tax relief this spring, and that 117 million families in all will receive a stimulus check.  We are disappointed, however, that our Republican colleagues ruled out including an extension of unemployment insurance benefits and increasing food stamps in this package – provisions that would provide an immediate bang for the buck and help stimulate our economy, according to economists on both sides of the aisle.  We will continue to look at these and other provisions in the days ahead.
“It is my hope and expectation that the House will consider this stimulus package quickly.  And, I hope the Senate will do likewise.  It is imperative that this streamlined and focused stimulus package not be loaded down with extraneous provisions.”
