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2002 Articles

November Articles
» Political debate delays unemployment benefits, November 16, 2002
About 780,000 jobless Americans will lose their unemployment benefits at midnight, and a prolonged dispute between Republicans and Democrats could keep them and thousands more workers cut off from further aid for weeks...
» Hoyer Pledges to Unify Party as Whip; Vote Makes Md. Democrat the State's Highest-Ranking Congressman, November 15, 2002
House Democrats unanimously elected Rep. Steny H. Hoyer to the number two post of minority whip yesterday, making him the leadership's most visible centrist and Maryland's highest-ranking member of Congress ever...
January Articles
» Region's Representatives Seek to Keep Equal Pay Principle for Military, Civil Service, January 17, 2002
Eight members of the Washington area House delegation plan to send President Bush a letter today urging him to "embrace the principle of pay parity" and provide equal pay raises for civil service and military personnel in his fiscal 2007 budget plan.

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