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2006 Articles

December Articles
» Minimum Wage: Democrats to raise wages for poor workers, December 14, 2006
The incoming Democratic-led U.S. Congress intends to give a hand to dishwashers, fast-food cooks and America's other poorest-paid workers by raising the federal minimum wage for the first time in a decade...
» Congress gears up to earn its keep, December 13, 2006
The first step is to go back to a five-day work week. Incoming House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., said this would include scheduling votes on Monday. This gives members an incentive to return from their home districts at the start of the week or be recorded as absent for votes, which is not something to boast about at election time...
» War budget may carry conditions, December 06, 2006
House Democratic leaders, who will take control in January, said Tuesday that they are considering attaching a series of conditions to the estimated $160 billion supplemental war funding request for Iraq and Afghanistan that Bush is expected to send them early next year...
October Articles
» Why Democrats Oppose Military Commissions Act, October 17, 2006
If anything, the Military Commissions Act is not tough enough on terrorists because there is no certainty the act will withstand the scrutiny of the Supreme Court...
July Articles
» Pay raise blocked , July 05, 2006
Almost nine years ago, the minimum wage rose to $5.15 per hour and gas sold for about $1.20 a gallon. Now, gas prices have nearly tripled, but millions of low-income workers are still waiting for Congress to approve their first pay raise since 1997.
June Articles
» Facing Internal Division, House GOP Pulls Labor-HHS Bill, June 15, 2006
House Republican leaders are putting off a vote on the $141.9 billion FY07 Labor-HHS bill that was expected next week, fueling speculation that they will try to keep a lid on the measure until after the November elections.
May Articles
» OP hopes for boost as Bush signs $70b tax cut extensions, May 18, 2006
After two setbacks, the House finally approved a fiscal 2007 budget early yesterday morning, but differences with the Senate version may be too considerable for Congress to reach a final agreement.
April Articles
» Democrats: GOP all talk, no action on security, April 08, 2006
Democrats said Saturday the nation isn't as safe as it should be because the Bush administration and Republicans in Congress "have failed to back up their rhetoric with robust action."
» GOP Budget Talks Collapse in the House, April 07, 2006
House Republican efforts to forge a budget blueprint for the coming fiscal year collapsed last night amid acrimony and name-calling, as the fissures between GOP moderates and conservatives once again burst into the open.
February Articles
» House passes cuts to Medicaid, student loans, February 02, 2006
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The budget-cutting bill awaiting President Bush's signature may only make a small dent in the nation's huge deficit, but he is expected to propose more cuts in his 2007 plan, including farm subsidies, Medicaid and Medicare.
January Articles
» Party Unity: Learning to Stick Together , January 09, 2006
There was a time when to be a Democrat in Congress was akin to belonging to a luncheon club just so you could eat the food and enjoy the people. Staying for the program wasn’t such a priority. No longer. Democrats on Capitol Hill are relying more on what has been the GOP political playbook, staying in step and sometimes getting tough with those who miss a beat.

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