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Democratic Whip Lashes Out Against Kerry Film

by Freddie Mooche
AXcess News

October 14, 2004

Oct 13, 2004 (AXcess News) Washington - House Democratic whip, Steny Hoyer, said 85 House Democrats signed a letter asking the FCC to investigate Sinclair Broadcasting over the anti-Kerry film without giving equal time to their candidate.

"If Sinclair Broadcasting is allowed to proceed with this broadcast it is difficult to understand how equal time policies will not have been violated," wrote the 85 members of Congress.

The letter, addressed to Michael Powell Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, said, "The American public, which owns the airwaves that Sinclair would use for its partisan political purposes, expects the FCC to uphold the basic principle of fairness which is at the root of our democracy."

The Democrats ascerted that Sinclair Broadcasting had a habit of using public airways to promote politicians, referring to the airing of the film as "anti-Kerry propaganda."

Sinclair posted on its homepage an invitation to Senator Kerry to participate in the airing and make an appearance.

Sinclair Broadcasting owns 62 Fox, ABC, CBS, NBC, WB and UPN affiliates which reach 24 percent of U.S. households.
Sinclair Broadcasting Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: SBGI) was down 15 cents Wednesday to close at $7.14 after Democrats released an announcement of the letter sent to the FCC.

