Brown Holds Roundtable With Community Leaders In Meigs County

Brown Discusses Alternative Energy, Infrastructure, and Economic Development

November 24, 2008

POMEROY, OHIO – United States Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) today joined Meigs County community leaders for a roundtable discussion on alternative energy, infrastructure, and economic development.

“The needs of Ohio’s middle class families must be heard in Washington,” said Brown. “This roundtable discussion is a way that we can work together to set new policies in Washington that reflect the values of families in Meigs County.”

Brown met with Meigs County community leaders to discuss the latest economic development efforts in the region and how the federal government can assist with local growth, including investment in alternative energy research and development, ability to access affordable health care, and job and workforce training.

Throughout his first Senate term, Brown has worked to strengthen Ohio’s middle class. Many of the legislative initiatives he’s pursued in Washington have originated from roundtable discussions with Ohioans.

After a series of green energy roundtables across Ohio, Brown introduced legislation to build upon Ohio’s manufacturing heritage and create a new generation of green jobs. Brown’s legislation would expand green energy research and development, promote the commercialization of emerging energy technologies, enhance training opportunities to equip workers for 21st century energy jobs, and help build a green energy manufacturing base.

Along with Senator George Voinovich (R-OH), Brown introduced The Clean Water Affordability Act (S.3443). This legislation, which recognizes the strain water infrastructure places on local communities, establishes a grant program to assist financially distressed municipalities implement clean water infrastructure programs.

Brown has also fought for funds to assist homeowners and communities affected by the housing crisis. Against a veto threat from President Bush, Brown and his colleagues successfully passed the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008, which was signed into law in July 2008. The housing bill included $3.9 billion in funds for neighborhood stabilization funds. Ohio cities and municipalities will receive more than $258 million, which can be used to renovate homes or tear down blighted properties. It is estimated that these funds would more than double in value due to a multiplier effect generated through new jobs and rehabilitated housing.

Brown was joined today by Joe Bolin, Meigs County Soil and Water; Mark Bridenbaugh, Federal Qualified Health Center; Mick Davenport, Meigs County Commissioner; Tony Deem, Superintendent Southern Local School District; Mike Gerlach, Mayor Village of Middleport; Henry Hunter, Retired Kaiser Aluminum; Horace Karr, Owner of the Wild Horse Café; Hal Kneen, OSU Extension Pomeroy Agriculture Professor; Herman Koby, President Rio Grande Community College; Troy Ferrell, President IBEW Local 972; Mark Porter, Owner GM Super Center; Scott Powell, Criminal and Probate Judge; Paul Reed, President of Farmers Bank; Tom Reed, Gallia-Meigs Community Action Agency; Beth Shaver, Director Council on Aging; Jim Sheets, Meigs County Commissioner and Farmer; Jennifer Sheets, Attorney and State Board of Education; Mike Swisher, Trustee Rio Grande Community College; Perry Vernadoe, Meigs County Economic Development Director; Heather Wolf, Teacher and Director of Curriculum; and Clifford Young, O’Bleness Memorial Hospital.

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