Brown Holds Roundtable With Community Leaders in Belmont County

Brown Discusses Economy, Jobs, and Healthcare

November 14, 2008

BELLAIRE, OHIO – United States Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) today joined Belmont County community leaders for a roundtable discussion on the economy, jobs, and healthcare.

“The needs of Ohio middle class families must be heard in Washington,” said Brown. “This roundtable discussion is a way that we can work together to set new policies in Washington that reflect the values of families in Belmont County.”

Brown met with Belmont County community leaders to discuss the latest economic development efforts in the region and how the federal government can assist with local growth, including investment in alternative energy research and development, health care, education, and local economic development projects.

Throughout his first Senate term, Brown has worked to strengthen Ohio’s middle class. Many of the legislative initiatives he’s pursued in Washington have originated from roundtable discussions with Ohioans.

Brown is working to ensure access to affordable health care for all Ohioans. He is actively supporting the Children’s Health Insurance Program reauthorization legislation, which would provide health insurance to tens of thousands of Ohio children. Responding to the public health risks underscored by recent salmonella and E. coli outbreaks, Brown has authored legislation that would give the federal government the authority to issue a mandatory recall of contaminated food.

Brown has also fought for funds to assist homeowners and communities affected by the housing crisis. Against a veto threat from President Bush, Brown and his colleagues successfully passed the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008, which was signed into law in July 2008. The housing bill included $3.9 billion in funds for neighborhood stabilization funds. Ohio cities and municipalities will receive more than $258 million, which can be used to renovate homes or tear down blighted properties. It is estimated that these funds would more than double in value due to a multiplier effect generated through new jobs and rehabilitated housing.

Brown was joined today by Greg Bizzarri – Teacher; Dr. Joseph Bukowski – President, Belmont Technical College; Dom DeFelice - DeFelice Brothers Pizza; Vince DiFabrizio – Mayor, Village of Bellaire; Sue Douglass - Associate Director, Belmont County Department of Development; Jeff Gadzik - St. Clairsville Police Dept and school resource officer; Ed Good - Belmont Monroe Counties Central Labor Council - AFLCIO, Mead Township Trustee; Dr. Rich Greenlee - Interim Dean, Ohio University Eastern; Dave Humphreys - Mountaineer Industries & Lion Industries; Tim Johnson - CEO / Exec Director, Belmont Senior Services, Inc.; Mike Kovalyk - Police Chief, Village of Bellaire; Doug Longenette - United Dairy; Cindy Maupin - Belmont County Veterans Service Office, Director; Karen Maxwell – Director, Fox Run Hospital (Adolescent Behavioral Health Care); Gary Obloy - Community Action Director; Robert Thomas – Mayor, Village of Morristown; Robert R. Vincenzo – Mayor, City of St. Clairsville; Rev. William Webster - Grace Presbyterian Church.

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