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December 05, 2005
Stacey Farnen Bernards
(202) 225 - 3130

Hoyer and President's Speech on the Economy

Whip Says Bush Economy Has Left the Middle Class Behind

WASHINGTON, DC – House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today in response to President Bush’s speech in North Carolina:

“Today, President Bush again displayed just how out-of-touch he and Congressional Republicans are with middle class Americans. 

“Rising costs and stagnant wages are the economic reality facing most Americans, and the reality that President Bush and the Republican Congress continue to ignore.

“Americans are feeling pinched due to record-high costs for home heating fuel, health care and education.  The facts are clear: Real family incomes have declined for four consecutive years.  Meanwhile, heating fuel costs are expected to triple this winter, and health care costs have skyrocketed nearly 60% during President Bush’s tenure. In addition, the cost of tuition at four-year public universities has grown by 38% over the last three years.  

“The President claims that 4 million jobs have been created under his watch but he ignores the fact that we needed 8.5 million new jobs during that time just to keep pace with population growth.

“The President chastises ‘Washington’ for creating record deficits and debt and allowing spending to run out of control – conveniently ignoring that he and his party have had total control of our nation’s capital for the last five years.  And this week House Republicans will continue to pursue fiscally irresponsible policies by passing tens of billions in deficit financed tax cuts that mainly benefit the wealthy few.

“Democrats are fighting for economic policies that benefit all Americans, not just a few.  We will continue to propose responsible tax policies and balanced budget legislation that will strengthen the economy and will not saddle future generations of Americans will record debt.”
