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Contact: Brock McCleary (202) 225-2576

McHenry Calls for Use of American Energy Resources in Alaska

A Plan for Lower Gas Prices & Energy Independence

Washington, Jul 28 -

Today, Congressman Patrick McHenry called for Congressional action to lower gas prices and move America toward energy independence by overturning the federal ban on the use of American energy resources in ANWR.

ANWR, located on the northern slope of Alaska, is one of the most desolate places on earth with temperatures that reach minus-30 degrees Fahrenheit and no sunlight for 56 days a year.

ANWR is also home to an estimated 18 billion barrels of American oil, which can be recovered in an environmentally-safe way thanks to advances in exploration technology.  ANWR’s 18 billion barrels of oil is the equivalent of 30 years of Middle East oil imports.

A report last week by the U.S. Geological Survey suggests that those estimates may be low as it found that the Artic region, where the U.S has significant holdings, contains over a fifth of the world’s undiscovered, recoverable oil and natural gas.

"Western North Carolina families can not afford higher gas prices while this Congress sits on its hands and does nothing.  We must act now to increase the supply of American energy resources and lower gas prices," Congressman McHenry stated.

Thirty years ago, President Jimmy Carter designated ANWR’s “10-02 Area” for energy exploration and production, which the federal government has since banned.

Gas prices in the United States are rising primarily because supply is not keeping pace with demand.  In 2007, global oil production decreased by 126,000 barrels per day while demand increased by one million barrels per day.

“One day, America will be powered by alternative energy sources – and I’m working to make that happen – but until then we must use American energy resources to help solve our energy crisis,” Congressman McHenry declared.


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