Wes Climer (202) 225 2576

Family Research Council Honors Congressman McHenry

McHenry: “Traditional family values are the bedrock of American society.”

Washington, Jan 29 -

Today, the Family Research Council (FRC) and Dr. James Dobson’s Focus on the Family named Congressman Patrick McHenry (R-NC-10) a “True Blue” Member of Congress for his unwavering commitment to family values.

The True Blue award is given annually to Members of Congress who have worked hard to defend traditional family values, faith, and freedom. FRC presented Congressman McHenry the award for his perfect voting record on family values at a ceremony in the Rayburn House Office Building this morning.

“Traditional family values are the bedrock of American society,” said Congressman McHenry. “Family values, the values of Western North Carolina, are frequently under attack in Washington, and I am honored to be recognized by the Family Research Council for defending them.”

FRC based its decision on Congressman McHenry’s consistent pro-life and pro-family voting record during the first session of the 110th Congress, and took the following votes into consideration:

-- Defending Restrictions on Funding International Abortion Groups

-- Human Cloning Prohibition

-- Against Embryonic Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act

-- Against Thought Crimes Act

-- Protect Abstinence Program for HIV/AIDs Prevention

-- Prohibit Funding D.C. Needle Exchange Program

-- Against Funding D.C. Gay Marriage Amendment

-- Restrict Funding Planned Parenthood Amendment

“Congressman McHenry has been a consistent, stalwart ally of American families,” said FRC Action President Tony Perkins. “He is to be commended for supporting public policy that values human life, protects our religious liberties, and upholds the institutions of marriage and the family.”

“I applaud Congressman McHenry for defending pro-family and pro-life policies that have been under attack this past year. Values voters should be encouraged by his commitment to protecting and strengthening the family.”
