Aaron Latham (202) 225-2576

McHenry Will Vote to Uphold President Bush’s Veto of Federally Funded Embryonic Stem Cell Research

“Medical Breakthroughs Should Improve Life, Not Take Life”

Washington, Jun 20 -

Congressman Patrick McHenry today pledged to vote to uphold President Bush’s veto of the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act, which directs taxpayer money to fund the destruction of human embryos for research purposes. The Congressman’s statement is below:

Embryonic stem cell research is morally wrong because it’s based on the concept that you create life to destroy it. Scientific discovery should never compromise our moral integrity.

Washington should never require pro-life taxpayers to fund research that ends life while carrying the banner of scientific progress – that is not progress; it’s a breakdown in medical ethics.

It’s important to note that there are ethical alternatives to embryonic stem cell research. Adult stem cell and neonatal cord blood research methods — which do not destroy human life —are responsible for more than 70 medical breakthroughs. Embryonic stem cell research is responsible for none.

I strongly support advanced scientific research – including the use of adult stem cells – to achieve lifesaving cures; but scientific research must be morally and ethically just.

Medical breakthroughs should improve life, not take life.

The House voted 247 to 176 to pass the legislation. The Senate cleared the bill 63 to 34 in April. Both margins are short of the two-thirds supermajority that would be necessary to override a presidential veto.