Wes Climer (202) 225 2576

Congressman McHenry Secures $352,500 for Caldwell County Sheriff’s Office

Funds To Be Used For Critical Communications Upgrade

Washington, Dec 19 -

Congressman Patrick McHenry today announced the U.S. Congress approved $352,000 in funding for the Caldwell County Interoperability Project, which will help the Caldwell County Sheriff’s Office upgrade its communications systems. The funding was included in the Omnibus Appropriations Act of 2008 (H.R. 2764).

“These funds will help ensure that our first responders have the resources they need to keep Caldwell County safe,” said Congressman McHenry. “In emergency situations, being able to communicate effectively is often the key to a successful response, and this funding will provide the Sheriff’s Office with the tools they need to do that.”

The additional federal funding will enable the Caldwell County Sheriff’s Office to participate in North Carolina’s Voice Interoperability Plan for Emergency Responders (VIPER), a program designed to provide better communications capabilities between law enforcement and fire and rescue agencies.

“Congressman McHenry has done a great job for everybody on many different local issues since he got into office; and this is just another example of him being effective where we really need it,” said Caldwell County Sheriff Alan Jones. “To be able to get this much funding for a critically important program is just fantastic. I’m glad we’re able to continue expanding the VIPER program, and very thankful for Congressman McHenry’s hard work on our behalf.”

Caldwell County, in partnership with the North Carolina Highway Patrol, is building a five-site radio system that will enhance current VHF radio paging capabilities for fire and rescue units and support the VIPER system throughout the County. The Sheriff’s Office will use these funds to purchase mobile communications units for that radio system.

H.R. 2764 now awaits the President’s signature.
