Aaron Latham 202.225.2576

Congressman McHenry Condemns New Jersey Supreme Court Homosexual Marriage Ruling

Renews Call for Constitutional Amendment Protecting Traditional Marriage

Washington, Oct 25 -

Congressman Patrick McHenry (R-NC-10) condemned today’s ruling by the New Jersey State Supreme Court creating a new right to homosexual marriage in New Jersey.

“First Massachusetts and today, New Jersey, have shown us all why we desperately need a federal constitutional amendment protecting traditional marriage and we need it now,” commented McHenry after news of the court’s ruling broke. “A few liberal judges in these two states have abused their positions of trust by legislating from the bench. This is another attempt to destroy the institution that is the cornerstone of civilization and family life – marriage.” Massachusetts was the first state to sanction homosexual marriage in 2003.

“From coast to coast, and yes, even in New Jersey and Massachusetts, families and people of faith are looking to those they elect to take action and protect marriage between one man and one woman from these deviant attacks,” Congressman McHenry stated. “Many states have adopted marriage protection amendments to their own constitutions and they should be applauded for that, but it is high time that Congress takes a lead and acts now to defend marriage at the national level.”