July 20, 2007


Yesterday, the Democratic-led House passed the Labor, Health, and Education Appropriations bill, which keeps our promise to reinvest in priorities that are essential to our future.  This bill includes modest increases in key investments to ensure that all Americans have access to a good education and quality health care.
Majority Leader Hoyer speaks at a rally with Democratic House
Members and public safety officers to celebrate the passage of
the Public Safety Employer-Employee Cooperation Act.

The House also passed the Public Safety Employer-Employee Cooperation Act, which will give our brave public safety officers the same rights as other Americans to collectively bargain over wages, hours, and working conditions. 
Our public safety officers risk their lives for us every day - passing this Act gives them the respect they deserve.
Next week, the House will consider two appropriations bills that continue our commitment to investing in America's priorities in a fiscally responsible manner.  The Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations bill invests in transit projects in urban areas to reduce commute times and in air service to rural communities, and includes investment in housing programs for the elderly and disabled. 
The Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations bill provides resources for local communities to keep their streets safe, such as the successful COPS Program, and makes key investments to keep our nation on the cutting edge of science and techonolgy.  The bill also invests in research and development projects to address global climate change.
The House will also consider the reform-oriented Farm Bill that the Agriculture Committee unanimously passed last night.  This bill will end taxpayer payments to millionaires and instead direct assistance to those who truly deserve and need it most.  This bill also increases investments in conservation, renewable energy, nutrition, and rural development.
With kind regards, I am

Sincerely yours,
Steny H. Hoyer

P.S.  Please invite your friends and family to  sign up for this newsletter to learn about what House Democrats are doing to lead America in a new direction.


Majority Leader Hoyer Calls NIE "Disturbing," Shows Need for Responsible Redeployment
Majority Leader Hoyer responded Tuesday to the latest National Intelligence Estimate, saying that its conclusion that al-Qaeda has reconsituted and is gaining in strength once again raises serious questions about the Administration's anti-terror strategy.  Leader Hoyer repeated his call for a responsible redeployment of U.S. troops from Iraq in order to refocus on the war on terror.
Read release
Hoyer Lauds Passage of New Direction Farm Bill
Majority Leader Hoyer said that the Farm Bill passed by the House Agriculture Committee last night will take our country in a new direction in agriculture policy and lays the foundation for more far-reaching reforms in the future.
Read release
Hoyer: "Today the House Struck a Blow for Fairness for our First Responders"
On Tuesday, Majority Leader Hoyer spoke at a rally celebrating House passage of the Public Safety Employer-Employee Cooperation Act of 2007, which gives public safety officers the right to collectively bargain over working hours, wages, and terms of employment.  Leader Hoyer said that this legislation finally gives public safety officers the respect they deserve.
Read release
