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July 20, 2007
Stacey Farnen Bernards
(202) 225 - 3130

Hoyer Lauds Passage of New Direction Farm Bill


Washington - House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today regarding the House Agriculture Committee's passage of the Farm Bill last night (HR 2419):


"Democrats have successfully crafted a reform-oriented Farm Bill that will take our country in a new direction in agriculture policy. 


"The bill passed by the House Agriculture Committee last night affects everything from taxpayers' wallets to the food on their kitchen table.  It will end taxpayer payments to millionaires, and target assistance to those who deserve and need it most.  The bill also saves money by reducing payment limits, eliminating loopholes that have been exploited to get around those limits, and making payments transparent.  It will also increase investment in conservation, renewable energy, nutrition and rural development, to ensure that our children will have the resources they need for healthy and productive lives. 


"It is important to note that, while this bill takes many immediate steps, it also lays the foundation to make more far-reaching reforms in the future.


"I applaud Chairman Peterson and the members of the House Agriculture Committee for their hard work in putting together a Farm Bill that begins critical reforms of our farm programs while strengthening the safety net for family farmers.  I look forward to continuing to work with the Committee to enact this and other reforms as this bill moves through the process, and I expect this bill to be considered on the House Floor next week."


