Public Law 109-304
Public Law 109-304 (H.R. 1442) was enacted on October 6, 2006 (120 Stat. 1485).
House Committee Report 109-170 to accompany H.R. 1442. This includes disposition tables (starting on page 8) which map the former provisions to the new provisions, and a section-by-section explanation (starting on page 23) which explains the source of each new provision and any significant changes in language.
Table showing disposition of all sections of former title 46 appendix. This contains corrections to the table in the committee report, but it only covers former title 46 appendix whereas the committee report also contains tables covering other titles and reorganization plans.
Update Bill - H.R. 3387 (110th Congress)
After the House passed H.R. 1442 (which became Public Law 109-304), Congress enacted four laws amending provisions on which that bill had been based. Those amendments are not reflected in Public Law 109-304, but are required to be given effect by section 18(a) of that law (120 Stat. 1709). Also, additional public comments were submitted which warrant amendments to the law as enacted by that bill. Therefore, the following bill has been prepared to make the necessary amendments.
H.R. 3387 as introduced on August 3, 2007, and Statement by Chairman Conyers in the Congressional Record upon introduction.
H.R. 3387 as reported on November 8, 2007, and House Committee Report 110-437 to accompany H.R. 3387.
Table listing each amendment in those four laws and the corresponding former and new provisions affected by each amendment.
Questions and Comments
Questions and comments should be addressed to:
Richard B. Simpson
Deputy Law Revision Counsel
H2-304 Ford House Office Building
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, D.C. 20515
Email: Richard Simpson