Aaron Latham (202) 225-2576

McHenry Voices Support for Marriage Amendment

Washington, Jul 18 -

Congressman Patrick McHenry (R-NC) today voted for the Marriage Protection Amendment (H.J. Res. 88), a piece of legislation that provides a national definition of marriage as between a man and a woman and leaves marriage laws to the state legislatures. Furthermore, it adds a layer of protection against court-imposed arrangements other than marriage and protects states from being forced to recognize same-sex unions created by other states. Congressman McHenry’s statement today on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives is below:

“Marriage, family and community are not catch phrases – they are the backbone of American society. Sadly, however, there is an organized effort by judicial activists and the radical left to destroy our traditional American culture.”

“Years of social science evidence confirms that children respond best when their mom and dad are married and live at home. That’s why marriage and family law has emphasized the importance of marriage as the foundation of family – to address the needs of children in the most positive, effective way.”

“We must defend what is sacred in our nation from the reckless actions of a dangerous few who seek to impose their liberal lunacy on our society. Fighting for families is a war worth waging.”

While the vote was 236-187 (an eight vote increase from 2004 vote,) it did not have enough support from 159 Democrats to clear the requirement that a constitutional amendment pass with two-thirds vote.

Please click here to view Congressman McHenry's speech supporting the marriage amendment on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives.