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Contact: Jonathan Collegio (202) 225-2576

Congressman McHenry Announces Grant for the Hickory Metropolitan Higher Education Center

Hickory Metro Higher Education Center (HMHEC) receives $111,104 grant from the U.S. Department of Education to expand educational programming.

Washington, Apr 20, 2005 - Today, Congressman Patrick McHenry (R-NC-10) announced a U.S. Department of Education grant to the Hickory Metropolitan Higher Education Center (HMHEC) in the amount of $111,104. The grant will expand the educational programming available at the center during its third year of operation.

The Center was established in 2002 to promote economic development in the region by offering a broad range of classes in areas requested by the local community. The HMHEC is located in the east campus of the Catawba Valley Community College in Hickory.

“This is a great opportunity for an organization with a great mission: to educate and train people for the modern American workforce,” said Congressman McHenry. “I congratulate Hickory Metropolitan Higher Ed. Center for receiving this grant, and I hope that money goes a long way toward educating folks in western North Carolina. I am a strong supporter of community colleges and worker training programs that equip our folks with the tools and skills necessary to compete in a national and global economy.”

The money for HMHEC, which began its 3rd year of operation this year, was granted to fully staff its 12-classroom facility, and expand to a minimum of 1000 the number of adults enrolled annually in degree and non-degree credit programs. Achieving these goals will enable the program to offer a broad menu of educational programs to citizens in the region and aggressively market the program as a higher education center.

“Western North Carolina faces a lot of challenges, but all are challenges we can overcome by making smart decisions and good planning,” continued McHenry. “We need to educate our citizens and create a world-class workforce that will draw companies far and wide to settle in the most beautiful part of a beautiful state. This kind of grant goes a long way toward achieving that goal.”


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