Jonathan Collegio (202)225-2576

Congressman McHenry Delivers Award of Recognition to National Rifle Association President Kayne Robinson

Congressman McHenry acts on behalf of the Republican Study Committee to deliver award to NRA President.

Washington, Apr 25 -

Congressman Patrick McHenry acted on behalf of the conservative Republican Study Committee last week to recognize National Rifle Association (NRA) President Kayne Robinson for his excellent service in leading the organization over the last two years.

McHenry flew to Houston, Texas to deliver the award to Mr. Robinson in front of over 3,000 guests at the annual NRA convention. The award was granted unanimously by the Republican Study Committee – an organization of conservative Republican members of Congress who pursue traditional, constitutional legislation on Capitol Hill.

“Kayne Robinson has been a terrific advocate for America’s Second Amendment rights, and all of us here owe him a tremendous debt of gratitude,” said Mr. McHenry upon delivering the award. “Americans have an unalienable right to keep and bear firearms for their protection, and Kayne Robinson, through his commitment for gunowners’ rights and his awesome legislative skill, has made America a safer, stronger country. The Republican Study Committee, of which I am a proud member, recognizes Mr. Robinson for his excellence,” he continued.

Kayne Robinson headed the National Rifle Association (NRA) for two years, and was the keynote speaker at Congressman McHenry’s inaugural party in Washington, DC last January. With nearly 4 million members, many lawmakers and other observers say the NRA is the most powerful and respected advocacy organizations in Washington.