Brock McCleary (202) 225-2576

McHenry Criticizes Democrat-controlled Congress for Choosing Vacation Over Energy Solutions

Will Hold Energy Town Hall Meetings in August

Washington, Aug 1 -

Today, Congressman Patrick McHenry responded to the Democrats who control Congress granting themselves a 5-week vacation.

“Congressional Democrats had a choice to make.  Either they could do their jobs or they could go on vacation.  With American families paying record-high gas prices, they chose vacation.  Democrats could not be more out-of-touch with the struggles of middle class families,” Congressman McHenry stated.

Congressman McHenry voted against adjournment, which passed 213-197 with 15 Democrats joining Republicans in voting no.

The leadership of Congressional Democrats spent the entire month of July blocking all votes on bipartisan legislation that would allow the exploration and production of American energy resources to help lower gas prices and move America toward energy independence.

The Wall Street Journal wrote today, “Democrats appear ready to sacrifice their whole agenda, even spending, rather than allow new domestic energy production.  Or even a mere debate about energy.  The Democratic leadership is stonewalling any measure that might possibly relax the Congressional ban on offshore drilling.”

Congressman McHenry intends to devote the next five weeks to traveling throughout Western North Carolina meeting with constituents to hear their stories of how the energy crisis is impacting their lives.

Throughout August, McHenry will hold a town hall meeting in all 10 counties comprising the 10th District to discuss America’s energy crisis and how we can solve it.

Details of the town hall meetings will be released next week. 

