January 16, 2007

House Votes to Expand Stem Cell Research

Last week I voted for a vital measure that would expand federal funding for stem cell research.  H.R. 3, the DeGette-Castle Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act, passed the House on a bipartisan vote of 253-174.  This is an important step toward finding cures for debilitating diseases like cancer, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, spinal cord injuries, and other devastating diseases. 

The DeGette-Castle bill expands the federal funds available for embryonic stem cell research by lifting restrictions on certain stem cell lines that were imposed by President Bush in 2001.  It also ensures that this research is conducted in an ethically responsible manner and that the stem cell lines used are generated from embryos that would otherwise be discarded by fertility clinics. 

When this bill was passed in the last Congress, and despite overwhelming support from the American people, President Bush vetoed this legislation.  I call on President Bush to listen to the people and sign this bill into law once it passes the Senate.  We should no longer delay scientific advancements that have the potential to save lives. 

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