July 27, 2006 


The past week's attacks by Hezbollah and Hamas on the sovereign nation of Israel serve as a stark and horrible reminder that these organizations would rather destroy peaceful communities in Israel than build successful communities for their own people.  Israel's response must send a clear message that such actions will not be tolerated, and that terrorist strongholds will not be allowed to remain.  Like every other sovereign nation, Israel has a right and obligation to defend itself from attack, and this is what it must continue to do.

The US must continue to stand strongly alongside Israel, for we are engaged in the same war, whether it is our fight against Al-Qaeda or Israel's fight against Hezbollah.  Israel's active self-defense will help achieve a more enduring and secure peace by ensuring that terrorists understand that their actions will never succeed in breaking the will of democratic nations.

The civilized world agrees that Israel has the right to defend herself from attack.  The international community must continue to strongly support that right. Stability and the prospects for a lasting peace in the Middle East are threatened by Hezbollah and Hamas's vicious attacks.  While all actions must be taken with care, we must make it clear that it is necessary and just to strike against terrorists before they kill innocent people.  I will continue to defend this right in Congress and work to make sure that the United States stands with Israel and the other democracies of the world in the fight against terrorism.

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