January 9, 2008 


Rep. Andrews Optimistic for 2008

Nearly one year ago, the first woman Speaker of the House in American history gaveled open the Congress with a pledge to make its work about America’s children. Passage of the Six for ‘06 agenda, within the first 100 hours and with broad bipartisan support, signaled change and a new focus on American priorities. And in one year, the New Direction Congress has made a down payment on the future, but much more needs to be done.

In 2008, we will work to improve our economic security—to help Americans struggling with a housing crisis, credit card and college debt, rising energy and health care costs, paychecks stuck in neutral, and concerns about the safety of our food, toys, medicine and other products.

We will continue to work to strengthen our national security—rebuilding our military, supporting our troops, military families and veterans, and refocusing the fight on terrorism. And we will build on our energy security legislation—taking bold action to reduce global warming, lower energy costs, and create American jobs.

With home values dropping, and the costs of health care, home heating oil, and a college education continuing to rise, American families are justifiably uneasy about their ability to make ends meet in a declining economy.  

The economy is priority number one for the American people. The latest CNN poll finds that the economy is the most important issue voters will consider when casting their vote for President. A new ABC News/Washington Post poll also found that the economy tops the list of issues that would determine voters’ choice for President.

The Democratic Congress has already made great progress in easing the economic crunch for American families.  Protecting middle class families in a struggling economy has been our highest priority:  we have passed billions of dollars in tax relief for American small businesses, passed legislation to address the subprime mortgage crisis, increased the minimum wage for the first time in a decade, passed legislation that cuts taxes for middle class families, passed a landmark energy bill that will save on energy costs in the coming years, and given families the most college cost assistance since the GI bill in 1944.

Despite these successes, our work is not done Congress will continue to fight to strengthen the economy and give more Americans a chance to succeed.  


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