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Press Release

February 9, 2005

Republican Gains
Push Disappointed Susan Davis off Veterans Committee

Democrat Vows to Keep Fighting for Veterans

Washington, DC — Reflecting gains made in the last elections, the Republican Leadership increased its power on the House Veterans Affairs Committee by eliminating the seat held by Congresswoman Susan Davis (D-CA).

"This is obviously a great disappointment to me," Davis said. "However, this does not mean that I will stop being an advocate for our veterans. I've gained a great deal of appreciation for the sacrifice and duty these men and women have displayed throughout their lifetimes. They are an inspiration to us all."

In the changes to the committee, two Democratic seats were eliminated and a Republican seat was added to the committee.

Appointed in 2001, Davis was a perfect fit for the committee. She is a former military spouse, daughter of a World War II veteran, and represents a district with about 60,000 veterans. There are an estimated 260,000 veterans throughout San Diego County.

As a vocal and active member of the committee, Davis passed a number of provisions improving the lives of and benefits for veterans.

Davis sponsored legislation to increase the home loan guarantee for veterans. Another bill provided veterans a chance to select from adjustable mortgage rates. Both provisions were included in a larger benefits package signed last year by President Bush.

Also included in the package was Davis's bill to strengthen laws protecting veterans from fraud. Veterans unable to manage their payments from the VA rely on guardians for this task, and some have been victims of embezzlement and mismanagement. Davis's new law provides for background checks of guardians and the chance for veterans to recoup any losses.

Davis capped the legislative year with an appropriation victory for Vietnam Veterans of San Diego. Davis added $72,000 for shelters and services for homeless veterans to the Omnibus Appropriations bill.

In a letter to Davis, the Committee's Ranking Democrat Rep. Lane Evans wrote, "Your service with us has been invaluable, and veterans nationwide are indebted to you for your advocacy and achievements."

Davis retained her seats on the House Armed Services Committee and the House Education and Workforce Committee.