November 22, 2006

Rep Andrews Questions Pentagon and State Department Officials on Iraq

In a recent hearing of the House Armed Services Committee, I questioned General Abizaid, Commander of US Central Command, and Ambassador David Satterfield, Senior Advisor on Iraq to the Secretary of State, on the current situation in Iraq.  I expressed my deep concerns about the apparent strategic and policy failures, and questioned them on the readiness and willingness of the Iraqi army to take control of their own country.

A stable Iraqi government is only possible if it commands the loyalty of its security forces.  At the moment, this is not the case.  There have been documented cases in which sectarian agendas are pursued from within the Iraqi security forces.  Instead of seeking to stabilize their country and protect their fellow Iraqis, some Iraqi commanders are using their forces to fight for either the Sunnis or Shi’a in the civil war.  I believe that it is time to find out where their loyalties truly lie.

I have proposed that we withdraw U.S. troops from select regions of Iraq and replace them with Iraqi security forces.  These test cases will allow us to measure the willingness of the Iraqis to assume their role in governance and security.  The success of a stable and democratic Iraq relies on the support of its people.  We must change course and allow the Iraqis to take charge of their own destiny.

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