May 25, 2006

Andrews Proposal Would Secure Veterans’ Personal Information Lost in Recent Burglary

I will be introducing legislation that provides a solution to the recent disaster at the Department of Veterans Affairs involving the lost personal information of as many as 26.5 million veterans.  This theft is a massive breach of security, and represents the largest unauthorized disclosure of Social Security data in our country’s history. 

My bill would require the VA to immediately create a national database of veterans that assigns each individual a four-digit pin code.  This pin would act like the security code on the back of your credit card, and provide an additional level of security for verifying a veteran’s identity.  All entities that extend credit or loans to these veterans would be required to verify this code.  If they fail to check, these entities would be required to pay all attorney fees and damages to the veteran harmed by this failure.

Identity theft is a significant problem facing every American.  Because of this recent breach of security, millions of our bravest Americans are now vulnerable.  My legislation would secure their information, but Congress must act quickly.  The well-being of our nation’s veterans hangs in the balance. 

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