August 1, 2006 


This week’s resolution by the United Nations Security Council finally sets a firm deadline for Iran to end its nuclear enrichment program and, appropriately, threatens action by the United Nations if the deadline is not met.  Sanctions under Chapter 7 of the UN Charter may be the only way to bring Iran into compliance. I once again urge the UN to consider a targeted embargo on gasoline, as called for by legislation I have introduced in Congress with my colleague Rep. Mark Kirk (R-IL). 

I am pleased that the Security Council’s latest action has a legally binding timetable for action. This is the only way to potentially bring Iran back to the negotiating table and into compliance with international demands.  Iran has been presented with a clear and fair package of incentives that it should have responded to long ago. This resolution respects Tehran’s request for time to analyze the package while forestalling any additional foot dragging.

Iran’s continued defiance of international demands that it end its enrichment activities and its support of terrorists in Lebanon and throughout the Middle East are extremely destabilizing to the region and the world.  Failure to take decisive action strengthens Iran’s efforts to become the preeminent regional power.  Given the militant tone of Iranian President Ahmadinejad and the ruling mullahs, we cannot allow this to happen.


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