July 9, 2007


Rep Andrews Statement on the Recent Commutation of Scooter Libby Prison Sentence

President Bush’s recent commutation of I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby’s prison sentence is an unjustified use of power.  A jury, who heard all the evidence in Mr. Libby’s case, convicted him of lying to authorities and obstructing the investigation into the public disclosure of a CIA operative, Valerie Plame’s identity.  A federal appellate panel ruled that Mr. Libby could not delay serving his prison term.  Yet, the President has chosen to ignore this with the recent commutation of Mr. Libby's sentence.

The President has pledged to hold his Administration accountable for their actions relating to the Valerie Plame leak scandal.  He has failed to do so with this action and in doing so, has jeopardized the trust of the American people.  In my view, with this act, the President has shown that there are two standards of justice—one for members of his elite inner circle and one for the rest of America.


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