Educational Resources

This page features materials designed to help teachers and students use the information presented in Black Americans in Congress in their classrooms. It includes lesson plans on the African-American pioneers who served on Capitol Hill from 1870 to 2007 as well as activities on photographs, objects, and quotations. Also included are a collection of fast facts on black Members of Congress, a link to an interactive map, and a list of online resources. The additional resources are intended to guide students and teachers into the primary sources provided online by the Office of the Clerk and related agencies.
Request a copy of the publication
In an effort to make the publication Black Americans in Congress, 1870–2007 more accessible to students, the Office of History and Preservation will provide a complimentary copy of the book to educators for classroom use, subject to availability. Interested teachers should complete and return the form below to the Office of History and Preservation.
Fast Facts
First Black American to serve in Congress
Hiram Revels of Mississippi began his service in the Senate on February 25, 1870First African-American Representative elected to Congress
Joseph Rainey of South Carolina began his service in the House of Representatives on December 12, 1870.First African-American Representative to speak on the House Floor
Jefferson Long of Georgia spoke on the House Floor in 1871.First African-American Representative to preside over a House session
Joseph Rainey of South Carolina presided over the House in 1874.First African American to chair a congressional committee
Blanche Bruce of Mississippi became chairman of Senate Select Committee on the Mississippi River in 1877.First African American to chair a standing congressional committee
William Dawson of Illinois became chairman of the Expenditures in the Executive Departments Committee (later named Government Operations) in 1949.First African American popularly elected to the Senate
Edward Brooke of Massachusetts was elected to the Senate in 1966.First Black-American woman elected to Congress
Shirley Chisholm of New York was elected to the House of Representatives in 1968.First Black-American woman elected to the Senate
Carol Moseley-Braun of Illinois was elected to the Senate in 1992.First African-American Member whose son succeeded him in Congress
Harold Ford, Sr.’s son Harold Ford, Jr. was elected to his father’s Memphis, Tennessee, seat upon his retirement in 1996.
Online Resources
Online Biographical Directory of the United States
Searchable database that contains biographical information on every person who served in Congress.
http://bioguide.congress.govU.S. House of Representatives, Office of the Clerk, Art & History
Includes information on the history and art of the U.S. House of Representatives such as weekly historical highlights, party divisions, congressional apportionment, leadership and officers, and significant events. in Congress
Includes information based on the book Women in Congress, 1917–2006, such as biographical profiles of former women Members of Congress, links to information about current women Members, essays on the institutional and national events that shaped successive generations of Congresswomen, images of each woman Member, and educational resources. Historical Office
Includes information on the history and art of the U.S. Senate such as facts & milestones, historical statistics, featured biographies, and a photographic collection. of Congress/THOMAS
Searchable database of congressional legislation from 1973 to present (bill text and roll call votes are available 1989-present).
http://thomas.loc.govGPO Access
Includes links for searchable databases of the Congressional Record and House Journal (1994-present) as well as information on how to find the nearest federal depository library.
http://www.gpoaccess.govAfrican American History, Library of Congress
Collections in the Library of Congress catalog pertaining to African-American history. American Odyssey, Library of Congress
Online component to the extensive Library of Congress exhibit on African-American history that includes numerous objects such as photographs, plays, manuscripts, and recordings. for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH)
Includes a range of resources devoted to African-American history and culture.
http://www.asalh.orgAvoice Online
Virtual online library documenting African-American political history.
http://www.avoiceonline.orgBlack History—National Archives
Includes online resources in the National Archives collection, as well as other federal, state, and local sites about African-American history. Black Caucus Foundation, Inc.
Includes detailed information on the Congressional Black Caucus and on current public policy issues affecting Black Americans.
http://www.cbcfinc.orgSchomburg Center for Research in Black Culture
Online exhibitions and research tools for the study of African-American culture and history.