About the Site
Black Americans in Congress, 1870–2007 is an updated and expanded edition of Black Americans in Congress, 1870–1989, as mandated by the House of Representatives in House Concurrent Resolution No. 43, by the 107th Congress, First Session. Black Americans in Congress, 1870–2007 is the second volume in a series of publications highlighting the congressional service of women and minority groups. Women in Congress, 1917–2006 and its companion Web site were published in 2007.
Black Americans in Congress, 1870–2007 was developed by the Office of History and Preservation under the Office of the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives, and may be purchased at the U.S. Government Printing Office online bookstore. This companion Web site was developed by the Office of Publication Services, also under the Office of the Clerk.
Rights and Reproductions
The Office of the Clerk provides this website as a public service. The information on this site is considered public information and may be distributed or copied unless otherwise specified, using the citation information provided on each page.
Images on this site are provided as a contribution to education and scholarship. Unless otherwise noted, all images are from the Collection of the U.S. House of Representatives. For information regarding rights and reproduction of images, contact the House of Representatives Office of History and Preservation at 202/226-1300, or by e-mail at curator@mail.house.gov. Some images may be protected by the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.). Do not duplicate without permission from copyright holder. Copyright information is provided whenever possible, but it is ultimately the responsibility of the user to determine and satisfy the copyright and other restrictions.
How to Use the Site
Historical Essays
These essays provide historical context about four distinct generations of African Americans in Congress. Among the topics discussed in each essay are institutional developments, legislative agendas, social changes, and national historical events that have shaped the experiences of black Members of Congress since Reconstruction.
- The essays include definitions of historically relevant terms in the form of tool tips. To view the definition simply hover over the tool tip. All of the terms are also available in the glossary.
- Click individual photographs and images that accompany the essays to view larger, more detailed versions.
- The “Print” button at the top of each page launches the entire essay into a print-friendly version, without images. Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF) versions of each essay (including photographs) are available as part of the Educational Resources lesson plans.
- To reference a page for your research, the “Cite” button at the top of each page launches an accurate citation in the format of the Chicago Manual of Style.
Member Profiles
The biographical profiles highlight the congressional careers of each African-American Representative, Delegate, and Senator. These profiles also contain information for further reading and references to individual Members’ manuscript collections.
- By default, all former and current members are listed on the Member Profile landing page. Use the filter at the top of the page to narrow your search. The “Print” button on this page will print the list as it appears on screen.
- The profile pages for former Members include historical biographical profiles as well as links to other relevant Web sites. Current Member profiles include links to the Member’s Biographical Directory profile, official Web site, and additional relevant links.
- Each profile also includes “Print” and “Cite” buttons.
Photos and descriptions of historical artifacts from the House Collection include political campaign buttons, magazine cards, campaign literature, and historic images.
- By default, all artifacts are shown in the scrolling bar. Click the arrows on either side of the bar to navigate through the list.
- Use the filter above the scrolling bar to narrow your search.
- Each artifact includes “Print” and “Cite” buttons.
Historical Data
This section includes tables and appendices of historical data about Black Americans in Congress. All are provided as PDFs. Visit the Adobe Web site to download a free copy of Adobe Reader.
Educational Resources
This page features materials designed to help teachers and students use the information presented in Black Americans in Congress in their classrooms. Lesson plans are provided as PDFs. Visit the Adobe Web site to download a free copy of Adobe Reader.
Interactive Member Map
Links to the Interactive Member Map appear throughout the site. Use of the map requires Adobe Flash Player 8 or higher. Visite the Adobe Web site to download a free copy of Flash Player.