
What statue(s) has your state contributed to the collection?

Did you know . . .
Each state is allowed to have 2 statues in the Capitol? Yep.
It is up to the state to decide which statue they would like
to be placed in the National Statuary Hall Collection.
There are a few rules for statues, however. The statues must be:
1) Made of either bronze or marble
2) A person who was a citizen of the state
3) A person who has contributed to history
through distinguished civic or military services
Today, the National Statuary Hall Collection consists of
100 statues.

Learn more about Statuary Hall by taking these virtual tours
on the Clerk's website:
The Splendid Hall: Statuary Hall, also known as Splendid Hall,
was the original House Chamber.
Statuary Hall - A History: Once the House outgrew their
old chamber, how did it become Statuary Hall?