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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson Blasts Firestone, Calls for Tougher Rules to Protect Consumers September 06, 2000
Nine deaths in New Mexico linked to Firestone tire defect
WASHINGTON, DC – During a Congressional Hearing in Washington today, Congresswoman Heather Wilson criticized Firestone for compromising people’s safety and called for tougher regulations to protect consumers when multinational companies have product recalls in other countries. Since July of 1999 the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported that 88 deaths have been linked to accidents involving Firestone tires and nine of those deaths occurred in New Mexico. “We owe it to the families who lost loved ones to change the system,” said Wilson. “Firestone knew they had a problem and they didn’t act until they were forced to. Even now, they’re misleading the public about what they know and when they knew it. Their lawyers are so worried about liability that they’re making the problem worse.” Wilson further criticized Firestone for their handling of the tire recall in New Mexico. Despite the fact that more than 10% of the reported fatalities have occurred in New Mexico, the state was the only southern and western state not in the top priority list for the initial recall plan. According to NHTSA there have been 10 accidents allegedly caused by the tires and they resulted in at least 13 injuries and 9 fatalities. NHTSA estimates 250 injuries in more than 1,400 complaints filed with the agency. Many of the complaints involve accidents in which the tread separated from the tires, which came as standard equipment on many Ford Explorers and pickups. Ford has stated that the accidents in question occurred when vehicles were traveling at high speeds after long exposure to hot temperatures and in predominantly southern states. Wilson’s comments came during a hearing of the House Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Telecommunications, Trade & Consumer Protection on which she serves. ###

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