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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson Asks Democrat Leaders to Allow a Vote on a Bill Honoring the Service of Raymond G. Murphy May 24, 2007
Noncontroversial Legislation to Name Abq. VA Center after War Hero Held Up in House

Washington, DC - Rep. Heather Wilson today questioned why House leaders will not allow a vote on a non-controversial bill to rename Albuquerque`s VA Medical Center after Raymond G. "Jerry" Murphy, a Medal of Honor recipient.

The bill is supported by New Mexico`s entire delegation and Gov. Richardson, and has already been passed in the Senate.

"I totally understand that some people don`t want a veterans bill with my name on it to pass the House for political reasons. That`s fine with me. Mr. Filner should bring up the Bingaman-Domenici Senate bill and send this to the President," Wilson said. "This bill isn`t about me or about anything political. It`s about honoring Jerry Murphy`s life of service. I`d ask the House leadership to be respectful of this great gentleman`s memory."

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