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Member Information

Updated from the Congressional Record, November 19, 2008.


  The oath of office required by the sixth article of the Constitution of the United States, and as provided by section 2 of the act of May 13, 1884 (23 Stat. 22), to be administered to Members, Resident Commissioner, and Delegates of the House of Representatives, the text of which is carried in 5 U.S.C. 3331:
"I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.''

   has been subscribed to in person and filed in duplicate with the Clerk of the House of Representatives by the following Members of the 110th Congress, pursuant to the provisions of 2 U.S.C. 25:


   1. Jo Bonner.

   2. Terry Everett.

   3. Mike Rogers.

   4. Robert B. Aderholt.

   5. Robert E. (Bud) Cramer, Jr.

   6. Spencer Bachus.

   7. Artur Davis.


   At Large. Don Young.


   Delegate. Eni F. H. Faleomavaega.


   1. Rick Renzi.

   2. Trent Franks.

   3. John B. Shadegg.

   4. Ed Pastor.

   5. Harry E. Mitchell.

   6. Jeff Flake.

   7. Raúl M. Grijalva.

   8. Gabrielle Giffords.


   1. Marion Berry.

   2. Vic Snyder.

   3. John Boozman.

   4. Mike Ross.


   1. Mike Thompson.

   2. Wally Herger.

   3. Daniel E. Lungren.

   4. John T. Doolittle.

   5. Doris O. Matsui.

   6. Lynn C. Woolsey.

   7. George Miller.

   8. Nancy Pelosi.

   9. Barbara Lee.

   10. Ellen O. Tauscher.

   11. Jerry McNerney.

   12. Tom Lantos.

   13. Fortney Pete Stark.

   14. Anna G. Eshoo.

   15. Michael M. Honda.

   16. Zoe Lofgren.

   17. Sam Farr.

   18. Dennis A. Cardoza.

   19. George Radanovich.

   20. Jim Costa.

   21. Devin Nunes.

   22. Kevin McCarthy.

   23. Lois Capps.

   24. Elton Gallegly.

   25. Howard P. "Buck'' McKeon.

   26. David Dreier.

   27. Brad Sherman.

   28. Howard L. Berman.

   29. Adam B. Schiff.

   30. Henry A. Waxman.

   31. Xavier Becerra.

   32. Hilda L. Solis.

   33. Diane E. Watson.

   34. Lucille Roybal-Allard.

   35. Maxine Waters.

   36. Jane Harman.

   37. Laura Richardson..

   38. Grace F. Napolitano.

   39. Linda T. Sánchez.

   40. Edward R. Royce.

   41. Jerry Lewis.

   42. Gary G. Miller.

   43. Joe Baca.

   44. Ken Calvert.

   45. Mary Bono.

   46. Dana Rohrabacher.

   47. Loretta Sanchez.

   48. John Campbell.

   49. Darrell E. Issa.

   50. Brian P. Bilbray.

   51. Bob Filner.

   52. Duncan Hunter.

   53. Susan A. Davis.


   1. Diana DeGette.

   2. Mark Udall.

   3. John T. Salazar.

   4. Marilyn N. Musgrave.

   5. Doug Lamborn.

   6. Thomas G. Tancredo.

   7. Ed Perlmutter.


   1. John B. Larson

   2. Joe Courtney.

   3. Rosa L. DeLauro.

   4. Christopher Shays.

   5. Christopher S. Murphy.


   At Large. Michael N. Castle.


   Delegate. Eleanor Holmes Norton.


   1. Jeff Miller.

   2. Allen Boyd.

   3. Corrine Brown.

   4. Ander Crenshaw.

   5. Ginny Brown-Waite.

   6. Cliff Stearns.

   7. John L. Mica.

   8. Ric Keller.

   9. Gus M. Bilirakis.

   10. C. W. Bill Young.

   11. Kathy Castor.

   12. Adam H. Putnam.

   13. Vern Buchanan.

   14. Connie Mack.

   15. Dave Weldon.

   16. Tim Mahoney.

   17. Kendrick B. Meek.

   18. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen.

   19. Robert Wexler.

   20. Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

   21. Lincoln Diaz-Balart.

   22. Ron Klein.

   23. Alcee L. Hastings.

   24. Tom Feeney.

   25. Mario Diaz-Balart.


   1. Jack Kingston.

   2. Sanford D. Bishop, Jr.

   3. Lynn A. Westmoreland.

   4. Henry C. "Hank'' Johnson, Jr.

   5. John Lewis.

   6. Tom Price.

   7. John Linder.

   8. Jim Marshall.

   9. Nathan Deal.

   10. Paul C. Broun.

   11. Phil Gingrey.

   12. John Barrow.

   13. David Scott.


   Delegate. Madeleine Z. Bordallo.


   1. Neil Abercrombie.

   2. Mazie K. Hirono.


   1. Bill Sali.

   2. Michael K. Simpson.


   1. Bobby L. Rush.

   2. Jesse L. Jackson, Jr.

   3. Daniel Lipinski.

   4. Luis V. Gutierrez.

   5. Rahm Emanuel.

   6. Peter J. Roskam.

   7. Danny K. Davis.

   8. Melissa L. Bean.

   9. Janice D. Schakowsky.

   10. Mark Steven Kirk.

   11. Jerry Weller.

   12. Jerry F. Costello.

   13. Judy Biggert.

   14. Bill Foster.

   15. Timothy V. Johnson.

   16. Donald A. Manzullo.

   17. Phil Hare.

   18. Ray LaHood.

   19. John Shimkus.


   1. Peter J. Visclosky.

   2. Joe Donnelly.

   3. Mark E. Souder.

   4. Steve Buyer.

   5. Dan Burton.

   6. Mike Pence.

   7. André Carson.

   8. Brad Ellsworth.

   9. Baron P. Hill.


   1. Bruce L. Braley.

   2. David Loebsack.

   3. Leonard L. Boswell.

   4. Tom Latham.

   5. Steve King.


   1. Jerry Moran.

   2. Nancy E. Boyda.

   3. Dennis Moore.

   4. Todd Tiahrt.


   1. Ed Whitfield.

   2. Ron Lewis.

   3. John A. Yarmuth.

   4. Geoff Davis.

   5. Harold Rogers.

   6. Ben Chandler.


   1. Bobby Jindal.

   2. William J. Jefferson.

   3. Charlie Melancon.

   4. Jim McCrery.

   5. Rodney Alexander.

   6. Richard H. Baker.

   7. Charles W. Boustany Jr.


   1. Thomas H. Allen.

   2. Michael H. Michaud.


   1. Wayne T. Gilchrest.

   2. C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger.

   3. John P. Sarbanes.

   4. Albert Russell Wynn.

   5. Steny H. Hoyer.

   6. Roscoe G. Bartlett.

   7. Elijah E. Cummings.

   8. Chris Van Hollen.


   1. John W. Olver.

   2. Richard E. Neal.

   3. James P. McGovern.

   4. Barney Frank.

   5. Niki Tsongas.

   6. John F. Tierney.

   7. Edward J. Markey.

   8. Michael E. Capuano.

   9. Stephen F. Lynch.

   10. William D. Delahunt.


   1. Bart Stupak.

   2. Peter Hoekstra.

   3. Vernon J. Ehlers.

   4. Dave Camp.

   5. Dale E. Kildee.

   6. Fred Upton.

   7. Timothy Walberg.

   8. Mike Rogers.

   9. Joe Knollenberg.

   10. Candice S. Miller.

   11. Thaddeus G. McCotter.

   12. Sander M. Levin.

   13. Carolyn C. Kilpatrick.

   14. John Conyers Jr.

   15. John D. Dingell.


   1. Timothy J. Walz.

   2. John Kline.

   3. Jim Ramstad.

   4. Betty McCollum.

   5. Keith Ellison.

   6. Michele Bachmann.

   7. Collin C. Peterson.

   8. James L. Oberstar.


   1. Roger F. Wicker.

   2. Bennie G. Thompson.

   3. Charles W. ``Chip'' Pickering.

   4. Gene Taylor.


   1. Wm. Lacy Clay.

   2. W. Todd Akin.

   3. Russ Carnahan.

   4. Ike Skelton.

   5. Emanuel Cleaver.

   6. Sam Graves.

   7. Roy Blunt.

   8. Jo Ann Emerson.

   9. Kenny C. Hulshof.


   At Large. Dennis R. Rehberg.


   1. Jeff Fortenberry.

   2. Lee Terry.

   3. Adrian Smith.


   1. Shelley Berkley.

   2. Dean Heller.

   3. Jon C. Porter.


   1. Carol Shea-Porter.

   2. Paul W. Hodes.


   1. Robert E. Andrews.

   2. Frank A. LoBiondo.

   3. Jim Saxton.

   4. Christopher H. Smith.

   5. Scott Garrett.

   6. Frank Pallone Jr.

   7. Mike Ferguson.

   8. Bill Pascrell Jr.

   9. Steven R. Rothman.

   10. Donald M. Payne.

   11. Rodney P. Frelinghuysen.

   12. Rush D. Holt.

   13. Albio Sires.


   1. Heather Wilson.

   2. Stevan Pearce.

   3. Tom Udall.


   1. Timothy H. Bishop.

   2. Steve Israel.

   3. Peter T. King.

   4. Carolyn McCarthy.

   5. Gary L. Ackerman.

   6. Gregory W. Meeks.

   7. Joseph Crowley.

   8. Jerrold Nadler.

   9. Anthony D. Weiner.

   10. Edolphus Towns.

   11. Yvette D. Clarke.

   12. Nydia M. Velázquez.

   13. Vito Fossella.

   14. Carolyn B. Maloney.

   15. Charles B. Rangel.

   16. José E. Serrano.

   17. Eliot L. Engel.

   18. Nita M. Lowey.

   19. John J. Hall.

   20. Kirsten E. Gillibrand.

   21. Michael R. McNulty.

   22. Maurice D. Hinchey.

   23. John M. McHugh.

   24. Michael A. Arcuri.

   25. James T. Walsh.

   26. Thomas M. Reynolds.

   27. Brian Higgins.

   28. Louise McIntosh Slaughter.

   29. John R. ``Randy'' Kuhl Jr.


   1. G. K. Butterfield.

   2. Bob Etheridge.

   3. Walter B. Jones.

   4. David E. Price.

   5. Virginia Foxx.

   6. Howard Coble.

   7. Mike McIntyre.

   8. Robin Hayes.

   9. Sue Wilkins Myrick.

   10. Patrick T. McHenry.

   11. Heath Shuler.

   12. Melvin L. Watt.

   13. Brad Miller.


   At Large. Earl Pomeroy


   1. Steve Chabot.

   2. Jean Schmidt.

   3. Michael R. Turner.

   4. Jim Jordan.

   5. Robert E. Latta.

   6. Charles A. Wilson.

   7. David L. Hobson.

   8. John A. Boehner.

   9. Marcy Kaptur.

   10. Dennis J. Kucinich.

   11. Marcia L. Fudge.

   12. Patrick J. Tiberi.

   13. Betty Sutton.

   14. Steven C. LaTourette.

   15. Deborah Pryce.

   16. Ralph Regula.

   17. Tim Ryan.

   18. Zachary T. Space.


   1. John Sullivan.

   2. Dan Boren.

   3. Frank D. Lucas.

   4. Tom Cole.

   5. Mary Fallin.


   1. David Wu.

   2. Greg Walden.

   3. Earl Blumenauer.

   4. Peter A. DeFazio.

   5. Darlene Hooley.


   1. Robert A. Brady.

   2. Chaka Fattah.

   3. Phil English.

   4. Jason Altmire.

   5. John E. Peterson.

   6. Jim Gerlach.

   7. Joe Sestak.

   8. Patrick J. Murphy.

   9. Bill Shuster.

   10. Christopher P. Carney.

   11. Paul E. Kanjorski.

   12. John P. Murtha.

   13. Allyson Y. Schwartz.

   14. Michael F. Doyle.

   15. Charles W. Dent.

   16. Joseph R. Pitts.

   17. Tim Holden.

   18. Tim Murphy.

   19. Todd Russell Platts.


   Resident Commissioner. Luis G. Fortuño.


   1. Patrick J. Kennedy.

   2. James R. Langevin.


   1. Henry E. Brown Jr.

   2. Joe Wilson.

   3. J. Gresham Barrett.

   4. Bob Inglis.

   5. John M. Spratt Jr.

   6. James E. Clyburn.


   At Large. Stephanie Herseth.


   1. David Davis.

   2. John J. Duncan Jr.

   3. Zach Wamp.

   4. Lincoln Davis.

   5. Jim Cooper.

   6. Bart Gordon.

   7. Marsha Blackburn.

   8. John S. Tanner.

   9. Steve Cohen.


   1. Louie Gohmert.

   2. Ted Poe.

   3. Sam Johnson.

   4. Ralph M. Hall.

   5. Jeb Hensarling.

   6. Joe Barton.

   7. John Abney Culberson.

   8. Kevin Brady.

   9. Al Green.

   10. Michael T. McCaul.

   11. K. Michael Conaway.

   12. Kay Granger.

   13. Mac Thornberry.

   14. Ron Paul.

   15. Rubén Hinojosa.

   16. Silvestre Reyes.

   17. Chet Edwards.

   18. Sheila Jackson-Lee.

   19. Randy Neugebauer.

   20. Charles A. Gonzalez.

   21. Lamar S. Smith.

   22. Nick Lampson.

   23. Ciro D. Rodriguez.

   24. Kenny Marchant.

   25. Lloyd Doggett.

   26. Michael C. Burgess.

   27. Solomon P. Ortiz.

   28. Henry Cuellar.

   29. Gene Green.

   30. Eddie Bernice Johnson.

   31. John R. Carter.

   32. Pete Sessions.


   1. Rob Bishop.

   2. Jim Matheson.

   3. Chris Cannon.


   At Large. Peter Welch.


   Delegate. Donna M. Christensen.


   1. Robert J. Wittman.

   2. Thelma D. Drake.

   3. Robert C. "Bobby'' Scott.

   4. J. Randy Forbes.

   5. Virgil H. Goode Jr.

   6. Bob Goodlatte.

   7. Eric Cantor.

   8. James P. Moran.

   9. Rick Boucher.

   10. Frank R. Wolf.

   11. Tom Davis.


   1. Jay Inslee.

   2. Rick Larsen.

   3. Brian Baird.

   4. Doc Hastings.

   5. Cathy McMorris Rodgers.

   6. Norman D. Dicks

   7. Jim McDermott.

   8. David G. Reichert.

   9. Adam Smith.


   1. Alan B. Mollohan.

   2. Shelley Moore Capito.

   3. Nick J. Rahall II.


   1. Paul Ryan.

   2. Tammy Baldwin.

   3. Ron Kind.

   4. Gwen Moore.

   5. F. James Sensenbrenner Jr.

   6. Thomas E. Petri.

   7. David R. Obey.

   8. Steve Kagen.


   At Large. Barbara Cubin.

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