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Committee Information





November 24, 2008

Compiled by Lorraine C. Miller, Clerk of the House of Representatives

Democrats in roman; Republicans in italic; Independent in SMALL CAPS; Resident Commissioner and Delegates in boldface.

RepresentativeCommittee Assignments
Abercrombie, Neil , 1st HI Armed Services.
Natural Resources.
Ackerman, Gary L. , 5th NY Financial Services.
Foreign Affairs.
Aderholt, Robert B. , 4th AL Appropriations.
Akin, W. Todd , 2nd MO Armed Services.
Science and Technology.
Small Business.
Alexander, Rodney , 5th LA Appropriations.
Allen, Thomas H. , 1st ME Budget.
Energy and Commerce.
Altmire, Jason , 4th PA Education and Labor.
Small Business.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Andrews, Robert E. , 1st NJ Armed Services.
Education and Labor.
Arcuri, Michael A. , 24th NY Rules.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Baca, Joe , 43rd CA Agriculture.
Financial Services.
Natural Resources.
Bachmann, Michele , 6th MN Financial Services.
Bachus, Spencer , 6th AL Financial Services.
Baird, Brian , 3rd WA Budget.
Science and Technology.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Baldwin, Tammy , 2nd WI Energy and Commerce.
Barrett, J. Gresham , 3rd SC Budget.
Financial Services.
Foreign Affairs.
Standards of Official Conduct.
Barrow, John , 12th GA Agriculture.
Energy and Commerce.
Bartlett, Roscoe G. , 6th MD Armed Services.
Science and Technology.
Small Business.
Barton, Joe , 6th TX Energy and Commerce.
Bean, Melissa L. , 8th IL Financial Services.
Small Business.
Becerra, Xavier , 31st CA Budget.
Ways and Means.
Berkley, Shelley , 1st NV Veterans' Affairs.
Ways and Means.
Berman, Howard L. , 28th CA Foreign Affairs, Chairman.
Berry, Marion , 1st AR Appropriations.
Biggert, Judy , 13th IL Education and Labor.
Financial Services.
Science and Technology.
Bilbray, Brian P. , 50th CA Oversight and Government Reform.
Science and Technology.
Veterans' Affairs.
Bilirakis, Gus M. , 9th FL Foreign Affairs.
Homeland Security.
Veterans' Affairs.
Bishop, Rob , 1st UT Armed Services.
Education and Labor.
Natural Resources.
Bishop, Sanford D. Jr., 2nd GA Appropriations.
Bishop, Timothy H. , 1st NY Budget.
Education and Labor.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Blackburn, Marsha , 7th TN Energy and Commerce.
Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming.
Blumenauer, Earl , 3rd OR Budget.
Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming.
Ways and Means.
Blunt, Roy , 7th MO Energy and Commerce.
Republican Whip.
Boehner, John A. , 8th OH  
Bonner, Jo , 1st AL Appropriations.
Standards of Official Conduct.
Bono Mack, Mary , 45th CA Energy and Commerce.
Boozman, John , 3rd AR Foreign Affairs.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Veterans' Affairs.
Bordallo, Madeleine Z. , Delegate GU Armed Services.
Natural Resources.
Boren, Dan , 2nd OK Armed Services.
Natural Resources.
Boswell, Leonard L. , 3rd IA Agriculture.
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Boucher, Rick , 9th VA Energy and Commerce.
Boustany, Charles W. Jr., 7th LA Agriculture.
Education and Labor.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Boyd, Allen , 2nd FL Appropriations.
Boyda, Nancy E. , 2nd KS Agriculture.
Armed Services.
Brady, Kevin , 8th TX Ways and Means.
Brady, Robert A. , 1st PA House Administration, Chairman.
Armed Services.
Braley, Bruce L. , 1st IA Oversight and Government Reform.
Small Business.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Broun, Paul C. , 10th GA Homeland Security.
Science and Technology.
Brown, Corrine , 3rd FL Transportation and Infrastructure.
Veterans' Affairs.
Brown, Henry E. Jr., 1st SC Natural Resources.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Veterans' Affairs.
Brown-Waite, Ginny , 5th FL Financial Services.
Homeland Security.
Veterans' Affairs.
Buchanan, Vern , 13th FL Small Business.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Veterans' Affairs.
Burgess, Michael C. , 26th TX Energy and Commerce.
Burton, Dan , 5th IN Foreign Affairs.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Butterfield, G. K. , 1st NC Energy and Commerce.
Buyer, Steve , 4th IN Energy and Commerce.
Veterans' Affairs.
Calvert, Ken , 44th CA Appropriations.
Camp, Dave , 4th MI Ways and Means.
Campbell, John , 48th CA Budget.
Financial Services.
Cannon, Chris , 3rd UT Judiciary.
Natural Resources.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Cantor, Eric , 7th VA Ways and Means.
Capito, Shelley Moore , 2nd WV Financial Services.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Capps, Lois , 23rd CA Energy and Commerce.
Natural Resources.
Capuano, Michael E. , 8th MA Financial Services.
House Administration.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Cardoza, Dennis A. , 18th CA Agriculture.
Carnahan, Russ , 3rd MO Foreign Affairs.
Science and Technology.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Carney, Christopher P. , 10th PA Homeland Security.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Carson, André , 7th IN Financial Services.
Science and Technology.
Carter, John R. , 31st TX Appropriations.
Castle, Michael N. , At Large DE Education and Labor.
Financial Services.
Castor, Kathy , 11th FL Armed Services.
Cazayoux, Donald J. Jr., 6th LA Financial Services.
Veterans' Affairs.
Chabot, Steve , 1st OH Foreign Affairs.
Small Business.
Chandler, Ben , 6th KY Appropriations.
Science and Technology.
Childers, Travis W. , 1st MS Agriculture.
Financial Services.
Christensen, Donna M. , Delegate VI Homeland Security.
Natural Resources.
Clarke, Yvette D. , 11th NY Education and Labor.
Homeland Security.
Small Business.
Clay, Wm. Lacy , 1st MO Financial Services.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Cleaver, Emanuel , 5th MO Financial Services.
Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming.
Clyburn, James E. , 6th SC Majority Whip.
Coble, Howard , 6th NC Judiciary.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Cohen, Steve , 9th TN Judiciary.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Cole, Tom , 4th OK Armed Services.
Natural Resources.
Conaway, K. Michael , 11th TX Agriculture.
Armed Services.
Conyers, John Jr., 14th MI Judiciary, Chairman.
Cooper, Jim , 5th TN Armed Services.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Costa, Jim , 20th CA Agriculture.
Foreign Affairs.
Natural Resources.
Costello, Jerry F. , 12th IL Science and Technology.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Courtney, Joe , 2nd CT Armed Services.
Education and Labor.
Cramer, Robert E. (Bud) Jr., 5th AL Appropriations.
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Crenshaw, Ander , 4th FL Appropriations.
Crowley, Joseph , 7th NY Foreign Affairs.
Ways and Means.
Cubin, Barbara , At Large WY Energy and Commerce.
Cuellar, Henry , 28th TX Agriculture.
Homeland Security.
Small Business.
Culberson, John Abney , 7th TX Appropriations.
Cummings, Elijah E. , 7th MD Armed Services.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Davis, Artur , 7th AL House Administration.
Select Committee to Investigate the Voting Irregularities of August 2, 2007.
Ways and Means.
Davis, Danny K. , 7th IL Education and Labor.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Davis, David , 1st TN Education and Labor.
Homeland Security.
Small Business.
Davis, Geoff , 4th KY Armed Services.
Financial Services.
Davis, Lincoln , 4th TN Financial Services.
Davis, Susan A. , 53rd CA Armed Services.
Education and Labor.
House Administration.
Deal, Nathan , 9th GA Energy and Commerce.
DeFazio, Peter A. , 4th OR Homeland Security.
Natural Resources.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
DeGette, Diana , 1st CO Energy and Commerce.
Delahunt, William D. , 10th MA Select Committee to Investigate the Voting Irregularities of August 2, 2007, Chairman.
Foreign Affairs.
Standards of Official Conduct.
DeLauro, Rosa L. , 3rd CT Appropriations.
Dent, Charles W. , 15th PA Homeland Security.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Diaz-Balart, Lincoln , 21st FL Rules.
Diaz-Balart, Mario , 25th FL Budget.
Science and Technology.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Dicks, Norman D. , 6th WA Appropriations.
Homeland Security.
Dingell, John D. , 15th MI Energy and Commerce, Chairman.
Doggett, Lloyd , 25th TX Budget.
Ways and Means.
Donnelly, Joe , 2nd IN Agriculture.
Financial Services.
Veterans' Affairs.
Doolittle, John T. , 4th CA  
Doyle, Michael F. , 14th PA Energy and Commerce.
Standards of Official Conduct.
Drake, Thelma D. , 2nd VA Armed Services.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Dreier, David , 26th CA Rules.
Duncan, John J. Jr., 2nd TN Natural Resources.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Edwards, Chet , 17th TX Appropriations.
Edwards, Donna F. , 4th MD Science and Technology.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Ehlers, Vernon J. , 3rd MI Education and Labor.
House Administration.
Science and Technology.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Ellison, Keith , 5th MN Financial Services.
Ellsworth, Brad , 8th IN Agriculture.
Armed Services.
Small Business.
Emanuel, Rahm , 5th IL Ways and Means.
Emerson, Jo Ann , 8th MO Appropriations.
Engel, Eliot L. , 17th NY Energy and Commerce.
Foreign Affairs.
English, Phil , 3rd PA Ways and Means.
Eshoo, Anna G. , 14th CA Energy and Commerce.
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Etheridge, Bob , 2nd NC Agriculture.
Homeland Security.
Everett, Terry , 2nd AL Agriculture.
Armed Services.
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Faleomavaega, Eni F. H. , Delegate AS Foreign Affairs.
Natural Resources.
Fallin, Mary , 5th OK Natural Resources.
Small Business.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Farr, Sam , 17th CA Appropriations.
Fattah, Chaka , 2nd PA Appropriations.
Feeney, Tom , 24th FL Financial Services.
Science and Technology.
Ferguson, Mike , 7th NJ Energy and Commerce.
Filner, Bob , 51st CA Veterans' Affairs, Chairman.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Flake, Jeff , 6th AZ Foreign Affairs.
Natural Resources.
Forbes, J. Randy , 4th VA Armed Services.
Fortenberry, Jeff , 1st NE Agriculture.
Foreign Affairs.
Small Business.
Fortuño, Luis G. , Resident Commissioner PR Education and Labor.
Foreign Affairs.
Natural Resources.
Fossella, Vito , 13th NY Energy and Commerce.
Foster, Bill , 14th IL Financial Services.
Foxx, Virginia , 5th NC Agriculture.
Education and Labor.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Frank, Barney , 4th MA Financial Services, Chairman.
Franks, Trent , 2nd AZ Armed Services.
Frelinghuysen, Rodney P. , 11th NJ Appropriations.
Fudge, Marcia L. , 11th OH  
Gallegly, Elton , 24th CA Foreign Affairs.
Natural Resources.
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Garrett, Scott , 5th NJ Budget.
Financial Services.
Gerlach, Jim , 6th PA Financial Services.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Giffords, Gabrielle , 8th AZ Armed Services.
Foreign Affairs.
Science and Technology.
Gilchrest, Wayne T. , 1st MD Natural Resources.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Gillibrand, Kirsten E. , 20th NY Agriculture.
Armed Services.
Gingrey, Phil , 11th GA Armed Services.
Science and Technology.
Gohmert, Louie , 1st TX Judiciary.
Natural Resources.
Small Business.
Gonzalez, Charles A. , 20th TX Energy and Commerce.
House Administration.
Small Business.
Goode, Virgil H. Jr., 5th VA Appropriations.
Goodlatte, Bob , 6th VA Agriculture.
Gordon, Bart , 6th TN Science and Technology, Chairman.
Energy and Commerce.
Granger, Kay , 12th TX Appropriations.
Graves, Sam , 6th MO Agriculture.
Small Business.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Green, Al , 9th TX Financial Services.
Homeland Security.
Green, Gene , 29th TX Standards of Official Conduct, Chairman.
Energy and Commerce.
Foreign Affairs.
Grijalva, Raúl M. , 7th AZ Education and Labor.
Natural Resources.
Small Business.
Gutierrez, Luis V. , 4th IL Financial Services.
Hall, John J. , 19th NY Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Veterans' Affairs.
Hall, Ralph M. , 4th TX Energy and Commerce.
Science and Technology.
Hare, Phil , 17th IL Education and Labor.
Veterans' Affairs.
Harman, Jane , 36th CA Energy and Commerce.
Homeland Security.
Hastings, Alcee L. , 23rd FL Rules.
Hastings, Doc , 4th WA Rules.
Standards of Official Conduct.
Hayes, Robin , 8th NC Agriculture.
Armed Services.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Heller, Dean , 2nd NV Financial Services.
Hensarling, Jeb , 5th TX Budget.
Financial Services.
Herger, Wally , 2nd CA Ways and Means.
Herseth Sandlin, Stephanie , At Large SD Agriculture.
Natural Resources.
Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming.
Select Committee to Investigate the Voting Irregularities of August 2, 2007.
Veterans' Affairs.
Higgins, Brian , 27th NY Oversight and Government Reform.
Small Business.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Hill, Baron P. , 9th IN Energy and Commerce.
Science and Technology.
Hinchey, Maurice D. , 22nd NY Appropriations.
Natural Resources.
Hinojosa, Rubén , 15th TX Education and Labor.
Financial Services.
Foreign Affairs.
Hirono, Mazie K. , 2nd HI Education and Labor.
Small Business.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Hobson, David L. , 7th OH Appropriations.
Hodes, Paul W. , 2nd NH Financial Services.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Hoekstra, Peter , 2nd MI Education and Labor.
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Holden, Tim , 17th PA Agriculture.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Holt, Rush D. , 12th NJ Education and Labor.
Natural Resources.
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Honda, Michael M. , 15th CA Appropriations.
Hooley, Darlene , 5th OR Budget.
Energy and Commerce.
Hoyer, Steny H. , 5th MD Majority Leader.
Hulshof, Kenny C. , 9th MO Select Committee to Investigate the Voting Irregularities of August 2, 2007.
Ways and Means.
Hunter, Duncan , 52nd CA Armed Services.
Inglis, Bob , 4th SC Foreign Affairs.
Science and Technology.
Inslee, Jay , 1st WA Energy and Commerce.
Natural Resources.
Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming.
Israel, Steve , 2nd NY Appropriations.
Issa, Darrell E. , 49th CA Judiciary.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Jackson, Jesse L. Jr., 2nd IL Appropriations.
Jackson-Lee, Sheila , 18th TX Foreign Affairs.
Homeland Security.
Jefferson, William J. , 2nd LA  
Johnson, Eddie Bernice , 30th TX Science and Technology.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Johnson, Henry C. ``Hank'' Jr., 4th GA Armed Services.
Small Business.
Johnson, Sam , 3rd TX Ways and Means.
Johnson, Timothy V. , 15th IL Agriculture.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Jones, Walter B. , 3rd NC Armed Services.
Financial Services.
Jordan, Jim , 4th OH Budget.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Kagen, Steve , 8th WI Agriculture.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Kanjorski, Paul E. , 11th PA Financial Services.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Kaptur, Marcy , 9th OH Appropriations.
Keller, Ric , 8th FL Education and Labor.
Kennedy, Patrick J. , 1st RI Appropriations.
Natural Resources.
Kildee, Dale E. , 5th MI Education and Labor.
Natural Resources.
Kilpatrick, Carolyn C. , 13th MI Appropriations.
Kind, Ron , 3rd WI Natural Resources.
Ways and Means.
King, Peter T. , 3rd NY Financial Services.
Homeland Security.
King, Steve , 5th IA Agriculture.
Small Business.
Kingston, Jack , 1st GA Appropriations.
Kirk, Mark Steven , 10th IL Appropriations.
Klein, Ron , 22nd FL Financial Services.
Foreign Affairs.
Kline, John , 2nd MN Armed Services.
Education and Labor.
Standards of Official Conduct.
Knollenberg, Joe , 9th MI Appropriations.
Kucinich, Dennis J. , 10th OH Education and Labor.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Kuhl, John R. ``Randy'' Jr., 29th NY Agriculture.
Education and Labor.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
LaHood, Ray , 18th IL Appropriations.
Lamborn, Doug , 5th CO Armed Services.
Natural Resources.
Veterans' Affairs.
Lampson, Nick , 22nd TX Agriculture.
Science and Technology.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Langevin, James R. , 2nd RI Homeland Security.
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Larsen, Rick , 2nd WA Armed Services.
Small Business.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Larson, John B. , 1st CT Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming.
Ways and Means.
Latham, Tom , 4th IA Appropriations.
LaTourette, Steven C. , 14th OH Financial Services.
Select Committee to Investigate the Voting Irregularities of August 2, 2007.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Latta, Robert E. , 5th OH Agriculture.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Lee, Barbara , 9th CA Appropriations.
Foreign Affairs.
Levin, Sander M. , 12th MI Ways and Means.
Lewis, Jerry , 41st CA Appropriations.
Lewis, John , 5th GA Ways and Means.
Lewis, Ron , 2nd KY Ways and Means.
Linder, John , 7th GA Ways and Means.
Lipinski, Daniel , 3rd IL Science and Technology.
Small Business.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
LoBiondo, Frank A. , 2nd NJ Armed Services.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Loebsack, David , 2nd IA Armed Services.
Education and Labor.
Lofgren, Zoe , 16th CA Homeland Security.
House Administration.
Lowey, Nita M. , 18th NY Appropriations.
Homeland Security.
Lucas, Frank D. , 3rd OK Agriculture.
Financial Services.
Science and Technology.
Lungren, Daniel E. , 3rd CA Budget.
Homeland Security.
House Administration.
Lynch, Stephen F. , 9th MA Financial Services.
Oversight and Government Reform.
McCarthy, Carolyn , 4th NY Education and Labor.
Financial Services.
McCarthy, Kevin , 22nd CA Financial Services.
House Administration.
McCaul, Michael T. , 10th TX Foreign Affairs.
Homeland Security.
Science and Technology.
Standards of Official Conduct.
McCollum, Betty , 4th MN Appropriations.
Oversight and Government Reform.
McCotter, Thaddeus G. , 11th MI Financial Services.
McCrery, Jim , 4th LA Ways and Means.
McDermott, Jim , 7th WA Ways and Means.
McGovern, James P. , 3rd MA Budget.
McHenry, Patrick T. , 10th NC Budget.
Financial Services.
Oversight and Government Reform.
McHugh, John M. , 23rd NY Armed Services.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
McIntyre, Mike , 7th NC Agriculture.
Armed Services.
McKeon, Howard P. ``Buck'' , 25th CA Armed Services.
Education and Labor.
McMorris Rodgers, Cathy , 5th WA Armed Services.
Education and Labor.
Natural Resources.
McNerney, Jerry , 11th CA Science and Technology.
Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Veterans' Affairs.
McNulty, Michael R. , 21st NY Ways and Means.
Mack, Connie , 14th FL Budget.
Foreign Affairs.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Mahoney, Tim , 16th FL Agriculture.
Financial Services.
Maloney, Carolyn B. , 14th NY Financial Services.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Manzullo, Donald A. , 16th IL Financial Services.
Foreign Affairs.
Marchant, Kenny , 24th TX Education and Labor.
Financial Services.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Markey, Edward J. , 7th MA Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming, Chairman.
Energy and Commerce.
Homeland Security.
Natural Resources.
Marshall, Jim , 8th GA Agriculture.
Armed Services.
Matheson, Jim , 2nd UT Energy and Commerce.
Science and Technology.
Matsui, Doris O. , 5th CA Energy and Commerce.
Meek, Kendrick B. , 17th FL Armed Services.
Ways and Means.
Meeks, Gregory W. , 6th NY Financial Services.
Foreign Affairs.
Melancon, Charlie , 3rd LA Energy and Commerce.
Science and Technology.
Mica, John L. , 7th FL Oversight and Government Reform.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Michaud, Michael H. , 2nd ME Small Business.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Veterans' Affairs.
Miller, Brad , 13th NC Financial Services.
Foreign Affairs.
Science and Technology.
Miller, Candice S. , 10th MI Homeland Security.
Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Miller, Gary G. , 42nd CA Financial Services.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Miller, George , 7th CA Education and Labor, Chairman.
Natural Resources.
Miller, Jeff , 1st FL Armed Services.
Veterans' Affairs.
Mitchell, Harry E. , 5th AZ Science and Technology.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Veterans' Affairs.
Mollohan, Alan B. , 1st WV Appropriations.
Moore, Dennis , 3rd KS Budget.
Financial Services.
Moore, Gwen , 4th WI Budget.
Financial Services.
Small Business.
Moran, James P. , 8th VA Appropriations.
Moran, Jerry , 1st KS Agriculture.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Veterans' Affairs.
Murphy, Christopher S. , 5th CT Financial Services.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Murphy, Patrick J. , 8th PA Armed Services.
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Murphy, Tim , 18th PA Energy and Commerce.
Murtha, John P. , 12th PA Appropriations.
Musgrave, Marilyn N. , 4th CO Agriculture.
Small Business.
Myrick, Sue Wilkins , 9th NC Energy and Commerce.
Nadler, Jerrold , 8th NY Judiciary.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Napolitano, Grace F. , 38th CA Natural Resources.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Neal, Richard E. , 2nd MA Ways and Means.
Neugebauer, Randy , 19th TX Agriculture.
Financial Services.
Science and Technology.
Norton, Eleanor Holmes , Delegate DC Homeland Security.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Nunes, Devin , 21st CA Ways and Means.
Oberstar, James L. , 8th MN Transportation and Infrastructure, Chairman.
Obey, David R. , 7th WI Appropriations, Chairman.
Olver, John W. , 1st MA Appropriations.
Ortiz, Solomon P. , 27th TX Armed Services.
Natural Resources.
Pallone, Frank Jr., 6th NJ Energy and Commerce.
Natural Resources.
Pascrell, Bill Jr., 8th NJ Homeland Security.
Ways and Means.
Pastor, Ed , 4th AZ Appropriations.
Paul, Ron , 14th TX Financial Services.
Foreign Affairs.
Payne, Donald M. , 10th NJ Education and Labor.
Foreign Affairs.
Pearce, Stevan , 2nd NM Financial Services.
Natural Resources.
Pelosi, Nancy , 8th CA The Speaker.
Pence, Mike , 6th IN Select Committee to Investigate the Voting Irregularities of August 2, 2007.
Foreign Affairs.
Perlmutter, Ed , 7th CO Homeland Security.
Financial Services.
Peterson, Collin C. , 7th MN Agriculture, Chairman.
Peterson, John E. , 5th PA Appropriations.
Petri, Thomas E. , 6th WI Transportation and Infrastructure.
Education and Labor.
Pickering, Charles W. ``Chip'' , 3rd MS Energy and Commerce.
Pitts, Joseph R. , 16th PA Energy and Commerce.
Platts, Todd Russell , 19th PA Transportation and Infrastructure.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Education and Labor.
Poe, Ted , 2nd TX Transportation and Infrastructure.
Foreign Affairs.
Pomeroy, Earl , At Large ND Ways and Means.
Porter, Jon C. , 3rd NV Ways and Means.
Price, David E. , 4th NC Appropriations.
Price, Tom , 6th GA Financial Services.
Education and Labor.
Pryce, Deborah , 15th OH Financial Services.
Putnam, Adam H. , 12th FL Financial Services.
Radanovich, George , 19th CA Energy and Commerce.
Rahall, Nick J. II, 3rd WV Natural Resources, Chairman.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Ramstad, Jim , 3rd MN Ways and Means.
Rangel, Charles B. , 15th NY Ways and Means, Chairman.
Regula, Ralph , 16th OH Appropriations.
Rehberg, Dennis R. , At Large MT Appropriations.
Reichert, David G. , 8th WA Transportation and Infrastructure.
Science and Technology.
Homeland Security.
Renzi, Rick , 1st AZ  
Reyes, Silvestre , 16th TX Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Chairman.
Armed Services.
Reynolds, Thomas M. , 26th NY Ways and Means.
Richardson, Laura , 37th CA Transportation and Infrastructure.
Science and Technology.
Rodriguez, Ciro D. , 23rd TX Veterans' Affairs.
Rogers, Harold , 5th KY Appropriations.
Rogers, Mike , 8th MI Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Energy and Commerce.
Rogers, Mike , 3rd AL Homeland Security.
Armed Services.
Rohrabacher, Dana , 46th CA Science and Technology.
Foreign Affairs.
Roskam, Peter J. , 6th IL Financial Services.
Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana , 18th FL Foreign Affairs.
Ross, Mike , 4th AR Science and Technology.
Energy and Commerce.
Rothman, Steven R. , 9th NJ Science and Technology.
Roybal-Allard, Lucille , 34th CA Standards of Official Conduct.
Royce, Edward R. , 40th CA Foreign Affairs.
Financial Services.
Ruppersberger, C. A. Dutch , 2nd MD Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Rush, Bobby L. , 1st IL Energy and Commerce.
Ryan, Paul , 1st WI Ways and Means.
Ryan, Tim , 17th OH Appropriations.
Salazar, John T. , 3rd CO Veterans' Affairs.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Sali, Bill , 1st ID Oversight and Government Reform.
Natural Resources.
Sanchez, Loretta , 47th CA Homeland Security.
Armed Services.
Sánchez, Linda T. , 39th CA Judiciary.
Foreign Affairs.
Education and Labor.
Sarbanes, John P. , 3rd MD Oversight and Government Reform.
Natural Resources.
Education and Labor.
Saxton, Jim , 3rd NJ Natural Resources.
Armed Services.
Scalise, Steve , 1st LA Veterans' Affairs.
Natural Resources.
Schakowsky, Janice D. , 9th IL Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Energy and Commerce.
Schiff, Adam B. , 29th CA Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Schmidt, Jean , 2nd OH Transportation and Infrastructure.
Schwartz, Allyson Y. , 13th PA Ways and Means.
Scott, David , 13th GA Foreign Affairs.
Financial Services.
Scott, Robert C. ``Bobby'' , 3rd VA Standards of Official Conduct.
Education and Labor.
Sensenbrenner, F. James Jr., 5th WI Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming.
Science and Technology.
Serrano, José E. , 16th NY Appropriations.
Sessions, Pete , 32nd TX Rules.
Sestak, Joe , 7th PA Small Business.
Education and Labor.
Armed Services.
Shadegg, John B. , 3rd AZ Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming.
Energy and Commerce.
Shays, Christopher , 4th CT Oversight and Government Reform.
Homeland Security.
Financial Services.
Shea-Porter, Carol , 1st NH Education and Labor.
Armed Services.
Sherman, Brad , 27th CA Judiciary.
Foreign Affairs.
Financial Services.
Shimkus, John , 19th IL Energy and Commerce.
Shuler, Heath , 11th NC Transportation and Infrastructure.
Small Business.
Natural Resources.
Shuster, Bill , 9th PA Transportation and Infrastructure.
Small Business.
Natural Resources.
Armed Services.
Simpson, Michael K. , 2nd ID Budget.
Sires, Albio , 13th NJ Transportation and Infrastructure.
Foreign Affairs.
Skelton, Ike , 4th MO Armed Services, Chairman.
Slaughter, Louise McIntosh , 28th NY Rules, Chairman.
Smith, Adam , 9th WA Foreign Affairs.
Armed Services.
Smith, Adrian , 3rd NE Science and Technology.
Natural Resources.
Smith, Christopher H. , 4th NJ Foreign Affairs.
Smith, Lamar , 21st TX Science and Technology.
Homeland Security.
Snyder, Vic , 2nd AR Veterans' Affairs.
Armed Services.
Solis, Hilda L. , 32nd CA Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming.
Natural Resources.
Energy and Commerce.
Souder, Mark E. , 3rd IN Oversight and Government Reform.
Homeland Security.
Education and Labor.
Space, Zachary T. , 18th OH Veterans' Affairs.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Speier, Jackie , 12th CA Oversight and Government Reform.
Financial Services.
Spratt, John M. Jr., 5th SC Budget, Chairman.
Armed Services.
Stark, Fortney Pete , 13th CA Ways and Means.
Stearns, Cliff , 6th FL Veterans' Affairs.
Energy and Commerce.
Stupak, Bart , 1st MI Energy and Commerce.
Sullivan, John , 1st OK Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming.
Energy and Commerce.
Sutton, Betty , 13th OH Rules.
Tancredo, Thomas G. , 6th CO Natural Resources.
Foreign Affairs.
Tanner, John S. , 8th TN Ways and Means.
Foreign Affairs.
Tauscher, Ellen O. , 10th CA Transportation and Infrastructure.
Armed Services.
Taylor, Gene , 4th MS Transportation and Infrastructure.
Armed Services.
Terry, Lee , 2nd NE Energy and Commerce.
Thompson, Bennie G. , 2nd MS Homeland Security, Chairman.
Thompson, Mike , 1st CA Ways and Means.
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Thornberry, Mac , 13th TX Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Armed Services.
Tiahrt, Todd , 4th KS Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Tiberi, Patrick J. , 12th OH Ways and Means.
Tierney, John F. , 6th MA Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Education and Labor.
Towns, Edolphus , 10th NY Oversight and Government Reform.
Energy and Commerce.
Tsongas, Niki , 5th MA Budget.
Armed Services.
Turner, Michael R. , 3rd OH Veterans' Affairs.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Armed Services.
Udall, Mark , 2nd CO Science and Technology.
Natural Resources.
Armed Services.
Udall, Tom , 3rd NM Appropriations.
Upton, Fred , 6th MI Energy and Commerce.
Van Hollen, Chris , 8th MD Ways and Means.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Velázquez, Nydia M. , 12th NY Small Business, Chairman.
Financial Services.
Visclosky, Peter J. , 1st IN Appropriations.
Walberg, Tim , 7th MI Education and Labor.
Walden, Greg , 2nd OR Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming.
Energy and Commerce.
Walsh, James T. , 25th NY Appropriations.
Walz, Timothy J. , 1st MN Veterans' Affairs.
Transportation and Infrastructure.
Wamp, Zach , 3rd TN Appropriations.
Wasserman Schultz, Debbie , 20th FL Judiciary.
Waters, Maxine , 35th CA Judiciary.
Financial Services.
Watson, Diane E. , 33rd CA Oversight and Government Reform.
Foreign Affairs.
Watt, Melvin L. , 12th NC Judiciary.
Financial Services.
Waxman, Henry A. , 30th CA Oversight and Government Reform, Chairman.
Energy and Commerce.
Weiner, Anthony D. , 9th NY Judiciary.
Energy and Commerce.
Welch, Peter , At Large VT Rules.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Weldon, Dave , 15th FL Appropriations.
Weller, Jerry , 11th IL Ways and Means.
Westmoreland, Lynn A. , 3rd GA Transportation and Infrastructure.
Small Business.
Oversight and Government Reform.
Wexler, Robert , 19th FL Judiciary.
Foreign Affairs.
Whitfield, Ed , 1st KY Energy and Commerce.
Wilson, Charles A. , 6th OH Science and Technology.
Financial Services.
Wilson, Heather , 1st NM Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
Energy and Commerce.
Wilson, Joe , 2nd SC Foreign Affairs.
Education and Labor.
Armed Services.
Wittman, Robert J. , 1st VA Natural Resources.
Armed Services.
Wolf, Frank R. , 10th VA Appropriations.
Woolsey, Lynn C. , 6th CA Science and Technology.
Foreign Affairs.
Education and Labor.
Wu, David , 1st OR Science and Technology.
Foreign Affairs.
Education and Labor.
Yarmuth, John A. , 3rd KY Oversight and Government Reform.
Education and Labor.
Young, C. W. Bill , 10th FL Appropriations.
Young, Don , At Large AK Transportation and Infrastructure.
Natural Resources.
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