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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Declining Deficits October 17, 2006
Dear Friends, The federal government balanced the budget after deficits since 1969 in 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001. I don`t take much credit for that: the path towards a balanced budget was set much earlier by people like Pete Domenici. It`s hard to remember now, but the week before September 11th we were debating what to do with a $300 billion surplus. Then the world changed. We were recovering from an emergency, fighting a war and we lost 1 million jobs in the 60 days after September 11th. The tax relief we passed in 2001 and 2003 was the right thing to do to get our economy moving again. In part because of that tax relief, our strong economy has given us 37 straight months of job growth, and 6.6 million new jobs. Our GDP growth is the envy of the industrialized world. Wages are rising and energy prices are dropping again.

See the facts here ...

In 2004 we set a goal to cut the deficit in half in five years by controlling the growth of non-defense spending and continuing policies that would grow the economy. Last week we met that goal -- three years early. Federal revenue surged by 12 percent in 2006 on top of a 14.5 percent increase in revenues in 2005. The Office of Management and Budget closed the books on 2006 and the deficit has been reduced to $248 billion, a $71 billion improvement over last year. The path back to a balanced budget is policies that promote economic growth combined with controlling the growth of government. We`re well on the way.

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