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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson Announces Fed Funds for Tech Commercialization by Alb. Company January 11, 2005
$1 million appropriated to further develop radioisotope power cell

Albuquerque, NM – Congresswoman Heather Wilson today announced that Albuquerque-company Qynergy Corporation will receive $1 million in 2005 funding to complete technology development efforts needed for a new class of compact long life power cells. The funding was included in the Defense Appropriations legislation passed by Congress in July 2004. Wilson, who requested the funding for this project, received an update on the project today.

“We must provide our men and women in uniform the best technology available,” says Wilson. “Albuquerque and New Mexico are prime sources of the technology that supports our national defense, both from private and public sector endeavors. Many devices for national security uses need power. And sometimes they need power for longer periods than conventional batteries can provide. That’s the promise of Qynergy.”

The technology can generate small amounts of electricity for months or years, providing critical defense and intelligence capabilities that otherwise do not exist today. Qynergy recently achieved a significant milestone in their QynCell ™ betavoltaic power cell technology development, laying a foundation for the engineering of several product concepts. Customers and prospective users of the QynCells™ are working with Qynergy to define product specifications for several national security applications. The funding to continue to develop advanced radioisotope power cell technology will be managed by the Space Vehicle Directorate of the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL/VS), Kirtland AFB, New Mexico.

“While the government is interested in national security applications, the potential of these devices as small, long-life energy sources is promising," Wilson said after today’s briefing.

In late 2004, Qynergy technical team achieved electrical power output with the highest beta energy isotope ever used in betavoltaic demonstrations. Using their proprietary device design and a high energy beta- isotope, the team measured electrical current and voltage that very closely matched their models. Betavoltaic power generation is similar to solar or photovoltaic power generation, but uses radioisotopes instead of the sunlight as the energy source. Beta isotopes are well suited for energy cells because they are easier to shield and contain than alpha or gamma radiation. The amount of power that can be generated is determined by the energy of the isotopes used.

“This is the first example that we are aware of in which a high energy beta radioisotope has been used to generate useful amounts of electricity” said Michael Hollis, CEO and President of Qynergy.

The 2005 funding which Congresswoman made possible, will allow Qynergy to complete development work needed before building prototype devices for specific government applications. Work has already begun to integrate the QynCells™ with lithium ion batteries and advanced super capacitors to provide the burst power that is needed to extend the life of small military sensors and transmitters.

Hollis says that, “Because of our drive towards products, we have advanced the betavoltaic concept that has been in research laboratories for over 20 years. We are excited that we are on the brink of providing our customers with a new and enabling energy capability.”

Qynergy is working to develop a radioisotope supply chain, and will continue its outsourcing strategy, leveraging the excellent resources and facilities that already exist locally and out of state. Qynergy outsourced over $200,000 of technical and administrative services to local facilities and service providers over the past two years, and expects to continue local spending of over $2 million annually. The company recently moved into a 3,100 square foot office and laboratory facility, and is positioned to further expand and ramp up for production of their power cells. Qynergy will add 4 full time employees in 2005, and will reach 22 employees in 2006. Future growth prospects also include the development of new technologies that can be powered by QynCells™

The Qynergy Corporation, founded in 2001 and based in Albuquerque, New Mexico, is a high technology company with core competencies in semiconductors, energy systems and microelectronics. Qynergy is the developer of the radioisotope fueled “QynCell™” micro power technology and associated products.


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