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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

At the VA Coffee Shop October 11, 2005
The VA toll-free number is 1-800-827-1000 or click here to read about the VA`s vocational rehabilitation program.
Dear Friends, Dr. Brian Pilgrim spent six years in the Marines after high school. He was in graduate school in South Dakota when he started working with veterans at the VA hospital there and found his calling. Four years ago, he came to the Albuquerque VA on Gibson and started applying for grants and VA support to build what has become a strong program getting veterans back on their feet. Brian works with veterans who are homeless, alcohol or drug dependent, mentally ill or some combination of all of those things. It`s tough to find these vets and hard to help them. But Brian and his team are having some success. Part of success is getting a job and Brian is doing well in that regard too. When the coffee shop at the VA hospital was going to change management, Brian convinced the hospital director that he and his veterans could do the job. And they are. I stopped by for a chat and a Mango Smoothie this week. I hassled their customers and got hassled in return and generally checked morale. A job brings a paycheck. But it also brings dignity, structure, a connection to others, confidence, and self-respect. If you doubt that, drop by the coffee shop at the VA and ask the guys behind the counter. And try the Mango Smoothie. It`s good! Wish you were here,

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