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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Small Businesses Work for New Mexico April 20, 2004
Dear Friends,

The “real” Pat Garrett is a sweetheart of a guy. He has worked at Damacio’s Grocery on San Pedro for 29 years. Pat’s boss, Damacio Otero, says, “If Pat isn’t going to heaven, I don’t want to go.”

I worked last Thursday as a checker at Damacio’s Grocery. On Thursday afternoons, Pat delivers groceries to people in the neighborhood who can’t get out. I went along to help and you could tell that some of his customers really looked forward to his weekly visit.

Damacio is head of the Independent Grocers of New Mexico. Gene Valdez, who works with the grocers, came by while I was there to talk about ending the death tax permanently. That’s important to small business owners like grocery stores.

Small businesses create eight of every ten new jobs. The success of small businesses will determine the strength of our economy. Damacio Otero and Pat Garrett know what it takes to make a small business go.

Wish you were here,


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