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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson Walks & Talks Jobs March 08, 2004
Lawmaker Tours Small Businesses on Nob Hill Walk; Talks Jobs Over a Cup of Joe

Albuquerque, NM – Congresswoman Heather Wilson today followed up a walk-through of part of Nob Hill`s business district by talking jobs with small business owners at Buster`s Coffee House.

"This is where it`s at," Wilson said, "Right here, where a good cup of coffee is helping fuel our economy. Job creation starts as a product or service in America`s small businesses. 8 of every 10 new jobs created are in small businesses."

Wilson continues to tour scores of Albuquerque businesses, seeking input and firsthand knowledge about the jobs outlook from Albuquerque area business owners.

"By and large, I like what I`m hearing. Interest rates are low, inflation is low, consumers are confident, and the stock market has recovered. Even with this good news, we need to continue to support policies that create jobs," Wilson said. "That means low taxes and fair regulations so that small businesses can thrive."

"At many area businesses, I`m getting reports of growth, new jobs and an upbeat outlook from business owners, but we have to keep working on it until everyone who wants a job can find a job."

During her visit, Wilson highlighted actions Congress has taken to support small business:

Increased bonus depreciation for small companies from 30% to 50% through 2005 to encourage small businesses to buy equipment.
Increased the amount small businesses can expense (section 179 deduction) from $25,000 a year to $100,000.
Accelerated the reductions in individual income tax rates and Chapter S corporations.
Passed a new law on Health Savings Accounts so that more small businesses can afford to offer their employees affordable health insurance.

New Mexico turned in a strong performance last year, finishing the year sixth in the nation in job creation at 1.3 percent. The national economy has had back-to-back quarters of growth, including a near-record third quarter.

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