80th Congress (1947-1949)
Congressional Profile
- Total Membership:
- 435 Representatives
- 2 Delegates
- 1 Resident Commissioner
- Party Divisions:*
- 246 Republicans
- 188 Democrats
- 1 American-Labor *Party division totals are based on election day results.
Leadership & Officers
- Speaker of the House:
- Joseph W. Martin, Jr. (R-Massachusetts)
- Majority Leader:
- Charles A. Halleck (R-Indiana)
- Minority Leader:
- Sam Rayburn (D-Texas)
- DemocraticWhip:
- John W. McCormack (D-Massachusetts)
- RepublicanWhip:
- Leslie C. Arends (R-Illinois)
- Democratic Caucus Chairman:
- Aime J. Forand (D-Rhode Island)
- Republican Conference Chairman:
- Roy O. Woodruff (R-Michigan)
- Clerk of the House:
- John Andrews
- Doorkeeper:
- M. L. Meletio
- Postmaster:
- Frank Collier
- Sergeant at Arms:
- William F. Russell
- Chaplain of the House:
- Rev. James Shera Montgomery - Methodist
To view complete lists of individuals who have served in these leadership and official positions since the 1st Congress, return to House History.
Legislative Activities
- Résumés of Congressional Activity:
- Résumés of Congressional Activity for the 80th Congress